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Submitted By goinup


This applescript will accomplish a similar task as AutoAdium and will randomly change Adium's away message at a desired interval. The user needs to create a .txt file in their home directory with a listing off all the user's desired away messages seperated by a +. This is the default behavior and can be edited within the script. The user may also desire to change the rate in which the script updates. The default is 5 minutes.


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# by on 01/13/05 at 03:01:06

Can you also make this for a profile?

# by Mohan on 03/23/05 at 16:53:41

How do I use this script?

# by on 03/23/05 at 17:08:43

ihaveabellybutton: no i can't make this into a profile script cause you can't script adium's profile at the moment

Mohan: create a .txt file in text edit (by default text edit creates .rft files just change the .rtf to .txt) and put in your away messages seperated by a + symbol.

+ message 1
+ message 2
+ message 3

now just download the script, open it in script editor, and hit run. thats it! enjoy!

# by Mohan on 03/27/05 at 07:13:00

Hey ihaveabellybutton

# by Mohan on 03/27/05 at 07:23:25

Oops.. thanks to goinup. But I still seem unable to get it to work. I am using the beta maybe that's the problem...

# by on 03/27/05 at 22:09:32

Mohan-- feel free to email me by clicking on my name in the comments. Be sure to check that the .txt file is named the same as it is in the applescript and that the text file is located in your home directory. :) also, download the newest script here. i think in the beta i accidently had a typo that will screw a lot of things up for you (coded the file name incorrectly). so to summarize: file name AwayMessage.txt in your home folder. Messages in the form of + message1 +message2 etc each on its own line, open the script and hit run. email me if you have any problems! --goinup

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4.16kb (415 downloads)

3.50 / 31 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/26/04