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LV426 for Adium

LV426 for Adium

Submitted By Chris Messina (factoryjoe)


In space, no one can hear you chat.



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# by STIAFL on 01/17/05 at 19:53:11

i have no idea what its from, but its very subtle.. which i like alot :D

# by STIAFL on 01/22/05 at 06:25:34

it dosnt seem to be installing right, as in you have to make a custom sound set and then it will install

# by factoryjoe on 01/24/05 at 18:46:55

Hmm... You should be able to just unzip and double-click the file to install. Does this not work?

# by matkam on 01/25/05 at 05:59:17

change the filename from "LV426 for Adium" to just "LV426" to make it work right

# by on 02/08/05 at 17:12:32

LV426 = the planet from Alien & Aliens :)

# by on 03/10/05 at 07:53:26

Love the sounds just need to a bit louder so can hear them when playing world of warcraft. If you rename the soundset in the application support with no spaces it work fine.

# by ARMDN on 07/26/06 at 05:29:50

Good! Thats from ALIENS Movie. I real like this film!

# by tedglen123 on 02/28/14 at 16:22:49

This is a good gaming information site and i always do look into this as it has valuable and true information for free. and talk about LV426 for Adium it is just a great design from a cult masterpiece. Windows Live help

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1.24mb (3145 downloads)

3.70 / 73 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/09/05
PixelHuset (converted by factoryjoe)