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VII-MR brite

VII-MR brite

Submitted By Elessar Elfstone (Elessar)


A little message style dressed as colorfully and as tastelessly as my last year's homeroom teacher. It hurts my eyes, but some people might like it.



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# by StarManta on 01/18/05 at 00:37:45

It hurts my eyes too. I'm glad you're not particularly proud of it, or I might have to hurt you.

that said, it should fit in nicely with tons of equally eye-hurting desktops and skins I've seen.

# by danielgrenell on 01/18/05 at 03:31:30

that is god awful.

# by on 01/18/05 at 06:55:30

Burn this at the stake.

# by michelebugliaro on 01/18/05 at 10:09:41

Worse of all.

# by Horizons on 01/18/05 at 15:37:21

Pretty good. You wouldn't appreciate it unless you have a colorful buddy list. My LazyPod is colorful, and VII-MR goes really well withit.

C'mon, get the heck off of a grey system, and try something colorful for a change, all.

# by Horizons on 01/18/05 at 15:37:22

Pretty good. You wouldn't appreciate it unless you have a colorful buddy list. My LazyPod is colorful, and VII-MR goes really well withit.

C'mon, get the heck off of a grey system, and try something colorful for a change, all.

# by on 01/18/05 at 20:46:37

Well, it is diffrent, with a GREAT concept - COLOR! I mean, m'all for the stuff, but not so, um... "extream" maybe? So yeah, good idea, bad result.

# by on 01/18/05 at 20:58:53

you truly are a king of kings, my friend

# by Elessar on 01/21/05 at 03:16:24

Quote: "Burn this at the stake."
I wholeheartedly agree. Color is good. *nodnods* but not this one. At least not for me. If, um, one of you enjoys it, all power to you. The idea wasn't color. The idea was me feeling sentimental about leaving this school and my last year's homeroom teacher. As much as I hate to admit it, I love that woman. I wanted something to remember her by. I never said it was a nice style. I prefer my Abstraktion, even though I detest pink, I love my Viggo and it goes with the Viggo painting theme.

# by Brutal on 01/26/05 at 17:19:02

That is one ugly Message View.

# by TheoW593 on 08/29/05 at 14:53:27

l like how you've got your Message Styles, with the Alt Icons, the names, and not showing the IM clients. If you just made more colors, your work would be possibly the best.

# by Dylan1077 on 10/28/05 at 22:52:31

Hahah this is absolutely terrible

# by JediJoker7169 on 11/29/05 at 03:05:59

To quote "Weird Al," "Oh oh oh-oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh oh oh oh oh-YECH!!!"

# by EmmaWK on 08/15/07 at 16:49:16

Great sense of humour ;)

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/17/05
All mine. ;P