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ChatDoc 3, Rev 1

ChatDoc 3, Rev 1

Submitted By Jason Williams (Lavo)


Third ChatDoc icon with a silhouette man speaking.

v1.1: Updated with no top bar, a larger away overlay, and a different color alert.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by Anonymous on 01/19/05 at 21:49:41

clean, simple. I like it

# by michelebugliaro on 01/22/05 at 08:03:04


# by Ed on 02/05/05 at 22:59:04

Great! One of the few ones that really work with OS X

# by Serge on 03/18/05 at 19:45:10

Clean, functional. Very good job.

# by Jakke on 03/28/05 at 12:42:26

Wow, one of the most functional and clean!

# by biglittledragoon on 09/03/05 at 04:45:34

It's really good! But, why Idle.png is transparent, "nothing"??? :-(

# by Lavo on 09/03/05 at 09:01:32

I didn't know what to do with it (I was going to make another overlay, but it would look weird by itself [if you were just idle and not away]) so what I decided in the end was to just leave it blank.

# by Tarzatar on 10/12/05 at 13:08:23

It's really nice and sleek.

# by ottovds on 11/13/07 at 22:35:30

realy nice

sleek and not a copycat of ichat...

But I can't find the menubar icon anymore :-S

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3.90 / 90 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 09/01/05
by Jason Williams