Dock Icons Emoticons Contact List Styles Message Styles Sound Sets AppleScripts Status Icons Service Icons Menu Bar Icons Plugins Miscellaneous All


Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


Download these new formatted Status Icons, otherwise, Adium will crash!

somethingiateforlunch requested that I made a Contact List style that goes with My Status Icons which are bundled for 0.8

The Status Icons are included in the Archive!

1.1 Adds a New Blue Group Title


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# by STIAFL on 01/23/05 at 04:33:18

right on :D

# by 61Tipo61 on 01/23/05 at 19:03:48

The Adiumy Status icons are awesome

# by me on 01/24/05 at 18:19:43

da**! thats cool, i love the duck status things, that was the best part :D but i would maybe like some more colors.. plain white bores me

# by zaudragon on 01/25/05 at 06:53:08

me: that's why there is "Adiumies2" or the blue version

# by musiclife8871 on 02/05/05 at 18:12:47

hey, i might just be compleaty out of it, but i can not fiuge this out :- . if someone could email me and explain it, it would be SO cool of you. thanks

# by miki on 02/18/05 at 03:00:53

i can't figure out how the adium status icons work either...could you post a comment that explains it?


# by zaudragon on 02/22/05 at 05:48:00

First, quit Adium and select "Show Package Contents" in the contextual menu of Adium. (ctrl + click) Next, go into Contents:Resources:Status Icons:Gems.AdiumStatusIcons and replace the files in there with the ones in the .AdiumStatusIcons file that comes with this Contact List.

# by miki700 on 03/03/05 at 18:16:40


# by QuestionMark on 05/04/05 at 08:41:02


When I tried to install the icons, a notification said that there is no offline-icon available which is required. Now I can't install the package... and they are so cute :-(

Help me! Somebody...

# by on 05/05/05 at 16:20:16

Installed under Adium 0.8
The green ducks (available/active) are upside down!


# by on 05/05/05 at 16:39:08

Note that the upside down appearance is not restricted to _tghese_ status icons. This is a pervasive problem in Adium 0.8 with status icons. It's juist a lot more oobvious with the ducks.

# by on 05/05/05 at 16:44:47

FYI - note that Installlation instructions (Posted by zaudragon at 1:48AM on 2/22/05) are for pre-0.80 Adium.

With 0.8, unpack the zip file, open the folder, double-click Adiumys.AdiumStatusIcons. A new folder, "Status Icons", will appear under ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Adium 2.0 and Adiumssys will appear as an option in the Adium Status Icons menu under the Appearance Preferences.

# by d_dagson on 05/11/05 at 14:26:54

I like it but the look but it doesn't seam to work... adium cant find it even after I've but it in the right folders... weird!

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153.29kb (2983 downloads)

3.50 / 95 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 01/19/05
somethingiateforlunch for the idea, Adam Betts for the original Adiumy, and wunderwood for the background from which I made the background image for this!