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Super Mario Adiumy 2.0

Super Mario Adiumy 2.0

Submitted By Yazan Barghuthi (Yazan)


A revised version of the supermario adiumy, which includes the pipe entrance when connecting, and the well known blocks for away and idle.

I did not remove the old version since some may not like the pipe connecting or the away and idle icons.



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# by on 01/28/05 at 13:15:41

very good?

# by infinity on 01/28/05 at 22:07:26

Very nice. One suggestion though, give him white gloves. It would make him look more like Mario.

# by Yazan Barghuthi on 01/29/05 at 08:18:53

Ill try not sure Ill be able to and make them look normal, it would look like the tip of his hand is white, and thats it maybe.

Ill try.

# by frost on 01/29/05 at 17:21:43

it's too toonish...

# by Yazan Barghuthi on 02/03/05 at 16:38:03

Thats th point, I used the smooth orange duck so that it would be toonish.

# by Anonymous on 07/31/05 at 07:53:47

Well, I don't know about every body else but I thinks it's really great! Woot for you! Keep it up! ^^

# by Catfish_Man on 04/05/07 at 03:27:41

Awesome :)

# by Skitzabeth on 09/02/08 at 20:14:11

I'm not really a fan of the blocks for away and idle. They're big and clunky. But the Mario duck is too cute for me not to have it set as my dock icon.

# by noeldiego on 04/20/10 at 16:28:10


# by noeldiego on 04/20/10 at 16:35:08

White gloves would be really great, and the blocks could be changed to signs, like: "away" and "busy" or even change it's clothes to the flower power (busy) and the feather power too (away state). But i really liked your job! Keep up!

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413.41kb (5701 downloads)

3.80 / 64 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 01/26/05
Based on the Smooth Orange Duck by Beemer.