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Submitted By Brian Waldo (beemer)





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# by Josh on 01/30/05 at 03:06:38

HAHAHAHA. that looks just like this guy I know.

except human

# by on 01/30/05 at 03:11:47


Where's my Weezer Adiumy??

# by on 02/04/05 at 01:39:13

wow, thats awesome, wouldn't it be cool if there was one with a black shirt

# by on 02/05/05 at 11:45:01

i want a girl emoduck. someone make it.

# by vlanka on 02/06/05 at 18:42:47

yes please, i also want a girl emoduck, & one dressed as a the love-a-lot care bear

# by thatwuzrad on 02/09/05 at 23:27:55


# by on 02/13/05 at 07:14:24

hahahaha. effing awesome. can we get a hardcore and indie adium next?

# by on 04/24/05 at 09:25:46

GREAT JOB, please keep evolving this one !!!

# by artinge3 on 09/24/05 at 22:53:40

yeah evolve it! the duck should be skinnier...and black, and have a blonde streak int eh fron that hangs over one eye....that would be dope.

# by aoisenshi on 08/29/06 at 03:42:56

Aaah! I have anime buttons on my bag! I'm not emo, am I? *worried*

# by Beaeuge on 10/02/07 at 22:19:51

lol u wouldnt b emo if u asked dat question lol hahaha awesome duck!

# by BaronS on 03/21/08 at 23:48:20

That's is not a emoduck! It's a great jobb but that's not how they look like in sweden :P

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/29/05
Laura and Adam Betts