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Metal Chat 2

Metal Chat 2

Submitted By D L (mr_misanthropy)


This is the child of the first Metal Chat, a messageview created for Proteus a long, long time ago. Metal Chat 2 blends more of the Tiger Spotlight feel into the mix, along with a slight gleam to the metal itself. Several color variants included,with and without the top header bar.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by Shark on 02/02/05 at 01:51:32

Awesome :)

# by guy on 02/06/05 at 01:51:43

dude make a contact list theme to match

# by zaudragon on 02/06/05 at 02:11:48

It has a problem with transparent buddy icons... but still very cool! Can you make a variant with the buddy icons up on the header?

# by bob_the_gorilla on 02/06/05 at 11:16:27

I can't help but feel this takes up a lot of screen space - but it looks beautiful!

# by Brutal on 02/06/05 at 12:54:44

Pretty cool, but I'm a minimalist myself.

# by on 02/06/05 at 19:44:59

The best message style around!!!! It reminds me of Garageband

# by The_Tick on 02/07/05 at 01:20:22

Very nice.

# by on 02/08/05 at 00:01:41

Dude, finally a killer message theme! This one rocks it hard!!! I tried porting this to Adium but failed miserably. I'm your number one fan, man!! THANKS!!

# by smajor on 02/08/05 at 15:46:14

Really nice, I love it. Two things that need some attention: 1) It has a problem with long away messages, messages over one line spill over. 2) I wish it had a "faded" look for the previous conversations when you first open a chat.

# by sim_cell on 02/09/05 at 04:29:03

Man make it smaller cos i like my window's smaller
so i can have room on my ibook for SAFARI and other stuff
open at the same time

but its the coolest one i have seen in a wile so plz plz make it samller. do it for the kids

# by on 02/09/05 at 22:52:34

Beautiful work, I realy like this theme, kinda like the U2 iPod style.

# by on 02/10/05 at 19:34:28

really really cool! that's my current style! :D
As suggested by smajor, a better distinction from old and actual messages would be useful. Maybe simply coloring in gray contact's name. I think a smaller version would be cool, too. But it's still great man! :D

# by on 02/11/05 at 13:59:56

Excellent! I am the envy of all my XP friends!!!

# by ron D on 02/14/05 at 07:24:36

Whoa, this is... spectacular. This is my new default message view. :D

A couple things:

1) How about a time stamp for individual messages? Combined messages show a timestamp on the left (in the black area), but not individual ones. Maybe float the time on the right, in a light gray color that won't disturb the rest of the sleek look?

2) Maybe opacity for making messages from previous conversations look distinguishable? (In CSS, 50% opacity would be "opacity: .5;")

Again, this is exceptional work. Five stars :)

# by Jason on 02/14/05 at 18:41:17

This is very nice!

# by Junpei on 02/15/05 at 08:59:12

VERY sweet, thought there is a problem with the Orange & Blue variation - a small line above the orange message boxes. This is when NOT using the default background image (which I opted to turn off).

Also, I would LOVE to have a color variation where MY messages are blue and the other persons are whatever color (a snow or gray color option would be fantastic as well).

# by on 02/19/05 at 18:59:57

I like this, but how do you get the actual adium message box to have that smooth grey to it?

# by on 02/21/05 at 20:53:05

This message style is excellent but can be better with larger contact's icons

# by on 02/23/05 at 18:17:14

Its great, but could u somehow not have the window around it, so it would just have the bubbles, thta would be a rreeeaaalllyy good message style (u mught not be able to do that but it would still be cool)

# by on 03/01/05 at 15:41:21

I like but it needs to be a little smaller - tighten up the message box

# by Waylander on 03/07/05 at 20:14:20

Nice! Got it, and i'm gonna keep it!

# by on 03/12/05 at 20:14:59

Ashley: he's using Unsanity's "ShapeShifter" application. Not sure what theme though, it's quite a nice one. Maybe as nice as the one I use, even :)

# by Dylan1077 on 03/12/05 at 20:47:35

This is the coolest message theme EVER. Ive been using it ever since it came out and I love it. I look at all the other themes that everyone else is raving about and think, what are they talking about? All the other ones are so dang boring. This one adds some flavor to your Adium. Great work David.

# by on 03/15/05 at 14:46:29

one of the best message styles ever!

only a few minor things i'd like to point out...
someone else mentioned this, but it'd be nice to see the time on individual message time stamps. also, i'd like to see a variant (of all the color variants) that shows the client, so i know which one i'm talking to.

# by wunderwood on 03/19/05 at 03:29:57

Can I suggest less room in the space between the edge of the window and the blocks.

# by Aaron on 03/24/05 at 06:06:56

Seriously, why don't more people download this, this is easily the best message view around, it beats any other hands down.

# by Rothlis on 04/07/05 at 20:05:17

Awesome! :P Keep up the good work!

# by Dhruv on 04/08/05 at 02:15:36

*jumps off Proteus*

If I were near you I would bow down to you SO much right now...

# by Matt on 04/27/05 at 14:47:44

Am I missing something? How come the top toolbar still looks aqua and not brushed metal? Otherwise, very cool.

# by cruciarius on 05/04/05 at 16:17:33

update this for v0.8 already! i need my metal chat 2 to work again!

# by on 05/10/05 at 16:48:31

will get right on it... working on another messageview as well so I'm looking to get those out asap.

# by on 06/20/05 at 04:42:16

Really sweet. Problem is I often type short messages on IM services, and so do my friends, resulting in a windows with *very* many green and blue aqua bars. I wish I could get rid of them so that it wouldn't get so bloated. If writing long messages, this one is great though.

# by User_01 on 06/25/05 at 20:25:33

VERY nice, all you need to do now is add a contact list style and it's perfect.

# by on 08/02/05 at 14:48:57

If you made the band that shows the names at the top of each message able to fit the name, and have alternating icons, it would be perfect.

# by Rhys on 08/31/05 at 09:42:19

Awesome. My only quarrel is with the lack of individual time stamps, as others have mentioned. But beautiful nonetheless.

# by Fophillips on 09/19/05 at 16:08:53

Why is my toolbar still aqua?

# by graphosdiseno on 09/23/05 at 12:14:33

Just b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!!!!!!!

# by Impulse29 on 09/27/05 at 23:47:44

I love this message style! I was using the RSS-type one, and that one's good too, but this one takes the cake. There is one thing I am concerned with though... WHY DOES THIS STYLE ONLY HAVE A 3.8 RATING? I've seen worse with better ratings.

# by osprey54 on 10/06/05 at 00:33:22

It would be perfect if it had a timestamp for each message sent.

Nice work though.

# by RAPMANkev on 10/10/05 at 16:06:01

Awesome man ! It's nearly perfect, I love it, but can't you make the time too into the stripe where the name is ?
Then it would be perfect for em ;-)

Kevin G, alias RAPMANkev

PS: Meat my .Mac Xtra ;-)

# by Digital_Corpus on 10/20/05 at 04:14:35

This is the best, by far, message style I've ever used. just please make one little variant; have it use a little less screen real-estate

# by mikebober on 10/23/05 at 21:48:21

Beautiful work! Took some minor editing to please me... Time stamp added to each user line, widened the margins to make the container = width as the header and some text changes, but I love it. great work.

# by DeathAxe on 10/30/05 at 10:22:29

My favorite!

# by whittebalance on 01/05/06 at 17:10:46

Hey mikebober! Can you please share what exactly needs to be modified to have timestamps on each line, looks like more than one user have expressed interest in tweaking this partucular feature :) I figure it takes modifying ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Message Styles/Metal Chat 2.AdiumMessageStyle/Contents/main.css, correct? Now, what exactly should be added/changed and where, this css thing looks totally confusing to me... :-?

# by joedante on 01/20/06 at 13:33:53

Check this out, if you realy whant to patch or make your own:

# by theclerks on 01/19/06 at 12:23:45

could u make different varients its a really awesome message style but the colors u chose weren't the best in my opinion im more of a graphite or a black and white kinda person. thanks though this is a kick arse theme! 5 ducks!

# by crazy on 09/13/06 at 23:45:00

Wow, awesome message style :)

The time stamp being only being on two or more consecutive responses and plain-ness of the grey part when there's more than one responses in a row are my only beefs with it. Still, the best style i've seen to date, i've sent screenshots of it to all my PC friends :D

# by Kaiomai on 09/19/06 at 09:26:00

He is most likely not using shapeshifter, but Easily found on macupdate, and a very good FREE program to change the theme, albeit only one theme.

# by spartin92 on 11/05/06 at 16:36:15

this is one of the best message styles i have found........ thanks a lot

# by jijin on 12/05/06 at 12:04:42

well... good, could you lets the choice to move away the blue depress on the top ?

# by jas8522 on 01/12/07 at 23:57:36

Hey guys, I too adjusted the theme so that the timestamp is included in even the first sent message. I also found the colors rather limited, so I added a few of my own! You can overwrite your current file with the one here:

I do not have permission from the author for this, as I cannot find a link to email or contact him on here, so this link may be removed at any time!


# by adiumlover on 04/28/07 at 17:02:08

Great theme! I love the smooth header. The whole thing really goes along with the rest of Tiger. Good job!

# by domzo on 07/05/07 at 09:41:40

Exceptional theme! So... Apple-ly!

# by domzo on 07/05/07 at 09:43:03

Exceptional theme! So... Apple-ly!

# by And2 on 07/17/07 at 15:48:50

Great Job Man!

# by And2 on 07/17/07 at 15:48:51

Great Job Man!

# by And2 on 07/17/07 at 15:48:51

Great Job Man!

# by macbook333 on 09/30/07 at 22:02:54

This is Awsome you have to make a contact list like this!

# by Beaeuge on 02/05/08 at 15:22:05

this is awesome!!! but can u put different variants?? like steel and blue or the other way around blue and steel... that would be great ^^... very nice job though!!

# by Nummer_eins on 07/01/08 at 22:46:03

Well! its realy good..But ....Ia can change the size of the image of the contact?

# by Chibi on 08/30/08 at 22:38:30

You should try to make a Contact List!~
This is excellent.

# by applefan1995 on 10/01/08 at 08:36:27

Nice, use it all the time and never grow tired of it

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3.80 / 695 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 02/03/05
graphical concept & design by David Legnon, CSS & messageview implementation by Daniel Dickison