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iTunes Current Track - Status Message

iTunes Current Track - Status Message

Submitted By Andreas Jon Grote (xjonx)


After i was wondering how windows user can show
their current playing song as status message, first i
used to put the Adium Standard script /music into the
away message...

but it bothered me how the song is shown.
*is listening to "track" by "artist"*

this script is now showing:
[current song: "artist" - "track"]

i think this looks even better.

so...install script and save the script command /itunes
as a status message and Adium will show your current
tune you listen to (in iTunes)



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# by zaudragon on 02/06/05 at 03:55:34

There are plenty of these out there, but this has a certain display style! For example, iTunes eXpanded has customizable styles, and so does the built in iTunes Scripts.

# by BlueRevolution on 02/06/05 at 08:03:21

if you're gonna go to all the trouble of blurring out your contacts' names, at least remember the one in the title of the message view window! everyone forgets to blur that one :)

# by Legolas on 02/06/05 at 12:50:10

and the tab at the bottom of the message window!

# by JennyJenn on 02/07/05 at 07:06:58

hey... thanks for the Clue with the Status Message :)

# by on 02/08/05 at 02:47:07

When I go to Edit>Insert script, all the script is greyed & un-selectable...and I have /itunes in my status box...anyone know what this is about?

# by Cygnus on 02/08/05 at 07:17:18

Is everyone able to see what song is playing regardless of what system/program/Adium add-on's they are using?

# by on 02/08/05 at 17:14:17

why can't i use this script with other text in my away msg? eg.

Currently shipwrecked in paradise drinking fresh mango juice - /iTunes

it only seems to work with /iTunes as the only text in the box.

# by on 02/10/05 at 13:22:37

ma honksh

# by Haley on 02/10/05 at 22:10:06

[current song: %_artist - %_track]

for those of you for whom it's not working

I like the format though. Better than the other one for sure.

# by on 02/13/05 at 17:20:01

the itunes display only seems to work on my aim account, should it work when i use my msn acct as well?

# by Anna on 02/13/05 at 17:34:45

It's so cool. Thanks very much for this script!!!

# by xjonx on 02/17/05 at 11:37:02

Basicly the script is submitted to show up that it is possible.
At least you can use nearly all scripts as status message...

# by on 02/24/05 at 22:01:55

Is there a way to show the song info without being marked away?

# by Anne Marie on 03/08/05 at 11:03:30

You can also put it in msn as screen name, but it wont show your own (screen)name of course.

# by on 03/08/05 at 18:43:46

Is there any way to have an away message, so that when ppl im you and the song changes they don't get a stupid im saying what song is now playing?

# by on 03/16/05 at 01:37:06

"Is there a way to show the song info without being marked away?"

note yet.

# by on 03/20/05 at 15:09:16

Can I use this script to show my current track on my display name?

I want something like that:

TIN - Helloween - Victim of fate

It's possible? Thanx for your attention

# by Norman on 03/30/05 at 10:11:21

hey cooool....Heaven Shall Burn...good Band ;) They'll be here in Frankfurt am Main in a few months again, in the o25 ;)

# by on 03/31/05 at 23:22:40

I would like to second to have a way to display my iTunes status without having to be set to "away" and have to have the away/return dialog box sitting around.


# by on 05/04/05 at 00:50:57

This script works a treat in the MSN display name space - something like " [%_artist - %_album - %track]" seems to work well. It displays " [ - - ]" if iTunes is not running. It is also possible to have multiple lines on your display name, to make iTunes the second line - ctrl + option + return will do it!! Great script, thanks

# by on 05/05/05 at 16:42:06

Great! This is the string:

TIN - [%_artist - %_track]

# by on 05/05/05 at 16:43:48

Great! This is the string for MSN display name: TIN - [%_artist - %_track]

# by on 06/13/05 at 23:29:52

Can I know how to show other contact's playing songs?

# by ottergoose on 09/20/05 at 16:53:40

Worked like a charm for me - iBook 800 / OS X 10.3.9 / iTunes 5.0 (34) / Adium 0.84

I'm using it for my online status, and including it in my info.

You can do more than just artist and track...
Artist: %_artist
Song: %_track
Album: %_album
My Rating: %_rating
Genre: %_genre
Year: %_year

There might be more - that's all I've found.

# by youngblood on 10/13/05 at 22:54:23

all someone has to do now is make one for skitunes

# by callipygian on 11/09/05 at 17:31:07

Works great for me. Dual 2GHZ G5 / 10.4.2 / iTunes 6.0.1
To mimic iChat, I've set my status as %_artist - %_track
I like it short and simple.
Great little script. Thanks!!

# by dejota on 12/10/05 at 16:26:28

the /itunes script no longer works for me. i have itunes 6 now, could that be the problem? If I do the %_artist type thing it works but not the /itunes... any ideas?

# by Félix on 02/26/06 at 18:59:42

Actually I just use [%_track - %_artist], it does the same.

# by JonClone on 10/11/11 at 07:31:17

This posting is about iTunes Current Track - Status Message. The person seemed to have changed the script to get the desired result. I think many web designers make changes to the programming scripts to get what they want in a web page. Even Groupon or the clone web sites must have experienced changes before being in the right track.
Jon - Groupon Clone

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