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Submitted By Jason Rapp (Thanatos)


Halo 2 multiplayer soundset, Hardcore Halo2 players will appreciate this...


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# by Thanatos on 02/17/05 at 02:47:52

yoyoyo this is a very good soundset for halo 2

# by SJ3000 on 02/22/05 at 01:58:10

dosnt work for me :(

# by biglittledragoon on 02/22/05 at 08:52:39

Post your own comments!
Shame on you!

# by Dom on 02/22/05 at 15:58:15

Tsk, tsk. You could've at least changed your name.

# by sushikushi on 02/23/05 at 01:40:30

it's very distracting. especially when someone signs on and off during the night when my room's quiet, it scares me. i also get tired of the message sent and received sounds very easily. i don't wanna hear gunshots over and over again.

# by Dan on 02/28/05 at 02:42:07

This is awesome

# by Anonymous on 02/28/05 at 22:03:17


# by on 03/04/05 at 03:03:25

this soundset rocks

# by on 03/04/05 at 03:06:09

This is by far the best sound set EVER, i mean, for the honest to god hard core Halo lover, as myself, i love this thing, it is the greatest, where does this "jason" get his ideas from, this is great!

# by Rhett on 03/12/05 at 15:36:16

Really obtrusive. It's fun for awhile and then it gets annoying, and seems philosophically flawed as an IM soundset for that reason. Long-term only faboys will enjoy it (and seem to given responses), to the rest of the world will induce teeth grinding.

# by on 03/21/05 at 17:19:56

it doesnt work for me :(

# by on 04/08/05 at 16:18:27

Tan pwns.

# by on 04/11/05 at 09:31:05

how works it??? ican?t do this

# by on 05/01/05 at 16:40:16

very good soundset! to those who can't get it to work, you need to drag and drop the soundset file onto Adium's icon and then it says "Installation succesful" or something like that

# by on 07/20/05 at 18:01:31

I cant get it to work. ahhhhh!
and i'm really into halo2 so I really want it to work. but it refuses!

# by ChiperSoft on 08/25/05 at 22:08:31

Not too practical, especially since the clips aren't trimmed very well and there's a lot of ambient noise. Too bad nobody's figured out how to extract the raw sounds from the game.

The buddy signoff sound makes me laugh my ass off every time I hear it. *CRACK* *grunt*

# by g4howie on 10/24/05 at 22:34:50

nice, i like it. I am sure that the HBO community will find this appealing too!

# by SinsOfTheCentury on 02/18/06 at 17:43:27


# by SinsOfTheCentury on 02/18/06 at 17:51:40

HEY they stopped workin wht happened?

# by Fr3nch on 04/16/06 at 01:09:25

What a R4P3 soundset.

# by Deifier on 08/17/06 at 03:11:14

i dosnt work for me also. whats up with that?

# by Deifier on 08/17/06 at 03:21:48

yay i got it working :D u have to download it onto the desktop and then drag it onto the duck

# by HeadCrab007 on 06/15/07 at 18:30:02

Best soundset ever! I like how it says "suicide" when you sighn off!
if it was possible i would give it a 6, but 5 ducks it is.

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1.37mb (12691 downloads)

3.60 / 119 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/11/05
jason rapp, howard rapp.