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Submitted By jeremysegars


its dockish...whats more to say?
oh, it looks better with myriad, but nobody has it, so I switched it to helvetica (aka swiss 721)



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# by on 03/08/05 at 23:12:27

Sorry, not liking it

# by joker on 03/15/05 at 20:45:34

Ben, if you dont like then dont post :p

# by on 03/16/05 at 00:30:41

Isn't the point of comments to state opinion, positive or not?

# by jeremysegars on 03/16/05 at 02:00:44

I'd say the purpose of comments, or rather the pupose of comments i find useful is to point out how i was successful or unsuccessful in the execution of my design. I know it is difficult to read over programs, i know as users go idle and away they are hard to read. These are dock like features to me. It isn't made to be beautiful or outlandish, just to mimic the dock as much as possible

# by illitrate on 05/04/05 at 16:19:36

i really liked it - not sure that it's working so well with the new addium v8 - but with the previous version, i thought it was brilliant, exactly what i wanted for a contact list

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Current Version: 8.3
Last Updated: 03/07/05