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Latin Tester

Latin Tester

Submitted By Leif Heflin (ihaveabellybutton)


This is something I made to help me study for school. It asks you the words in latin and you have to type them in english or it can ask you in english and you type them in latin (10 questions). You can also send the words to your ipod. Type /latintester{chapter 1,2,3...} or /latintester{roman numerals}. I have only put in chapter 1-18 so far.

There is also a web version of this at


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# by Anonymous on 03/20/05 at 19:25:49

Great idea, but could you make versions for the other main languages (spanish, french, german)?

# by JoeKer on 03/21/05 at 04:17:52

Hmmm you say chapter, but what textbook is this?

# by ihaveabellybutton on 03/21/05 at 22:25:25

Look in the credits

# by on 04/05/05 at 06:06:20

What textbook is there other than Wheelock's? ^o^

# by on 04/18/05 at 23:22:30

The Ecce Romani series, and my friend uses yet a 3rd one...

# by i love you! on 04/25/05 at 10:30:58

ecce romani is the textbook i use! btw, i would very much appreciate it if you put the rest of the chapters in it

# by on 05/05/05 at 06:00:24

My school uses Cambridge books. We translate verbs by their number and person, i.e. legit = he reads.

# by on 06/26/05 at 11:47:52

There's also Latin for Americans (common in Catholic schools these days), Using Latin (an old book, still very popular in some places), and Jenney's First Year Latin.

I'm personally partial to the last of the three, although LfA is quite good. Using Latin is just a disaster.


# by Movieboy1000 on 12/17/05 at 19:02:06

I don't know why, but this doesn't work for me. I type it in, and the person I'm talking to doesn't even recieve anything.

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42.33kb (621 downloads)

3.10 / 69 votes
Current Version: 0.5
Last Updated: 03/20/05
Words are from Ecce Romani I