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Submitted By Missiku (Missiku_San)


a small dragon-duck who beats his wings during connection.



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# by sdh on 03/28/05 at 21:06:58

neat idea :)

# by tedger on 03/28/05 at 22:52:09


# by danielgrenell on 03/28/05 at 23:45:12

too spooky for me.

# by Kraeken on 03/29/05 at 20:01:08

Excellent idea! Love it :)

# by vip on 03/30/05 at 20:09:27

love this dock icon! thanks

# by Nightsun33 on 04/04/05 at 00:27:53

Just what I was after

# by SyntheticEntity on 04/23/05 at 21:44:51

Mhmm....It does need fire. But very very cute! I love it. I have as my doc icon now. Thanks and great idea.

# by on 06/24/05 at 11:42:57

TRO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!
j'ador tro ce Xtra je trouve ke c le meilleur!!!!

# by bastianolea on 06/02/06 at 11:52:58

GREAT!!! i love the dragons ! that icon is very cool!

# by xSpikex on 12/21/06 at 14:06:24

haha, cool idea :)

# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:33:45

needs fire that is for sure

# by FaKeShAdOw on 03/14/07 at 09:46:52

Wish there was other colors and dragonish elements like ice..

It also amuses me that there are two sets of wings on it.

Loooooove it.

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846.21kb (9526 downloads)

4.00 / 108 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 03/28/05
Adam Betts for the original Adium Icon. Greg D From Zone72 for adaptation.