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Submitted By two peak (twopeak)


This icon set will change colour when the status changes.
Online = green ducky
Away = red ducky
Idle = orange ducky (but you won't see this as idle status is only when you don't touch the keyboard)
Connecting = blue duck that is opening/closing eyes
When it wants attention (new msg), it will hold a sign saying "alert".


Now it shows an envelope when you have a msg, instead of the english word "alert".

Invisible is now white
Connecting is a gray ducky (flapping)
The base stays blue (eyes closed)

The old icons are still enclosed if someone preferes a transparent icon for invisible.



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# by twopeak on 04/08/05 at 20:45:36

weeeeee, my first iconset :D

# by SJ3000 on 04/09/05 at 14:35:01

good idea! :D

# by Stuphalina on 04/09/05 at 15:05:48

Wow! I had that idea a LONG time ago (not accusing you of anything other than great minds think alike!)
Nicely implemented.

# by Daniel on 04/09/05 at 15:50:38

Nice. it will be cool if u could make another dock icon with only one color (i reaallyy like the blue one). I mean like the original adium icon but with this blue color.

# by on 04/10/05 at 16:39:49

Stulphalina: I was also surprised nobody had done it before me... I think I'm going to update it a little bit more to make it more interesting. But later...

Daniel, I don't see the point of having a new set with one colour? Adiums already provides uniform coloured icons. That's where I got mine from...

if you just like the blue, and dislike the colours Adium provided, you chan change it yourself with photoshop.
Right click adium, "show package contents" go to contents/Dock icons then "show package contents" of the color you want to edit, and edit the png files in there. To alter the colours you can use the "replace color" in photoshop. every photoshop-analphabete (like me) can do it by playing with the values

# by sarah on 06/29/05 at 17:23:42

I love it, except that when I am in invisible mode the icon turns red, as in 'away' and not see through like it shows in the preview.. ?? How come

# by twopeak on 07/11/05 at 06:44:57

invisible state has only been added in .8.3 (right now in beta)

If you download it; the icon should magically wrok)

# by twopeak on 11/15/05 at 18:37:57

if somebody has requests for a next version, just shoot... I'll be updating the invisible state and I'd like to find a better way for the new messages alert

# by boredzo on 07/02/06 at 02:53:15

It really should use the same colors that Adium uses in its default status icon set.

# by twopeak on 07/02/06 at 07:10:32

To be honest, I'm too bad with photoshop to make a grey (offline) and a white (invisible) Adiumy.
If people are interested in the iconset, I'll try harder. I can probably make time next two weeks.

# by djmori on 07/09/06 at 13:06:18

agree with bordezo! could you upgrate this?

# by twopeak on 07/09/06 at 13:31:49

I'll ask someone to do it. I'll start from the original Adam Bets icons and do my best to get them.

# by twopeak on 07/14/06 at 15:32:20

weeee, an update!
I was hoping to change the new message notification, and I still do hope that :)

# by xSpikex on 11/07/06 at 19:52:38

good idea!

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Current Version: 8.0
Last Updated: 11/05/06
Adam Betts