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Submitted By Dylan Hull (Dylan1077)


I made this list to match the ShapeShifter theme of the same name, and it looks excellent with it. But the good thing is that it looks great with every desktop, and deserves a space on yours!

The status icons seen in the preview are also included in the package.

To install these icons, drag the 'Gems.AdiumStatusIcons' folder into Adium>Show Package Contents>Contents>Resources>Status Icons.

Check Out My Other Lists!



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# by micah on 04/11/05 at 00:38:28


# by zaudragon on 04/11/05 at 02:53:14

It looks like Mokie, just grayscale.

# by Dylan1077 on 04/11/05 at 03:14:19

and icons! :D

# by Arodweb on 04/11/05 at 18:44:05

great one ;)

# by Dylan1077 on 04/12/05 at 23:42:02


# by on 04/13/05 at 08:52:08

Great job, only took a bit of customization on my end to be perfect for my uses. Matches my UI since I use Kamino in Shapeshifter. Thanks!

# by enkuturi-akrias on 04/22/07 at 22:25:48

Im using it with Kamino and it looks and fits very good!!!!!!!! Thankyou so much

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16.86kb (1441 downloads)

2.60 / 44 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/10/05
Chris McElligott for ShapeShifter Theme