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Submitted By Boramor


Grass Theme for for Adium

This theme incorporates a minimal contactlist with the New Gems statusicons and uses a font called silkscreen for maximum visibility. It also includes a wallpaper to accompany the list. All these are included in this pack!

NOTE: Be sure to download the package instead of installing it, as it won't install the font and/or wallpaper!


Version 1.2
- Updated info.



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# by Miki on 04/13/05 at 17:48:43

Oh ee gee. I just downloaded this desktop and was searching around for an xtra to fit it. Great mind think alike!

# by infinity on 04/13/05 at 18:45:10

Oh man! This is a great theme. Nice work!

# by Dylan1077 on 04/13/05 at 20:32:20

I think its really cool you put the desktop in the package, not many people do that, and thats a really good idea because most of the time the desktop of the person who makes the list is the best matching desktop. Hmm...I'll remember that next time I make a list... :D

# by Dylan1077 on 04/13/05 at 20:35:08

Hmm this would also look really good with the Royal Inspiriat OSX and XiDG-SoapSky1.0 shapeshifer themes.

# by candice on 04/14/05 at 16:48:16

I just changed my background from this desktop the other day because I couldn't get a contact list style that I liked...but now I've got one! Thanks.

# by on 04/17/05 at 12:24:29

I love the colors! However, i encountered two problems while downloading this style and wonder if anyone could guide me through it? I followed the instructions in Read Me but i couldn't get Silkscreen font to be installed.. and now the status icons (the colored button beside each ID) weren't appearing. What should I do? Thanks, and btw, i'm using OS 10.2.8. =)

# by carla on 05/14/07 at 11:28:32

Download Silkscreen from its creator's site ( and install it as a system/user font, then choose it as a customization to this style. :)

# by Boramor on 04/17/05 at 12:32:41

It could be possible that OS 10.2.8 doesn't support this too well. What happens when you doubleclick on the font file?
It should give you an opportunity to install it.

# by on 04/18/05 at 23:43:49

Superb! I love the colours, I already had the wallpaper funnily enough and the match is perfect.

Ideal summer theme!

# by on 04/20/05 at 12:50:54

sorry for the late reply.. yeah, my guess would be that it's all because of my older version of OS. Double-clicking on the font file didn't change anything, so I tried to pull it into the font folder and my mackie tells me that the folder cannot be changed. (sighing) BTW, I reinstalled adium again and now the status icons were up (but didn't help to get the fonts in). Thanks for clearing this up! I guess i should be upgrading to a newer OS...

# by ibookprincess on 04/20/05 at 14:54:54

Hey just thought id' say i LOVE this background and theme list. this is working on aidum beta .8b10 too.. on that note, the only thing i can't get to work is the font. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to use for a message theme? 2 thumbs up to the creator!

# by carla on 05/14/07 at 11:43:07

You can either download Silkscreen directly from the designer (, or, for those who are having trouble with a tiny font, just choose another, as I did. I'm using Didot at size 14.

# by Boramor on 04/20/05 at 15:11:15

Hmm, I will check the font, for two people complaining makes it weird. Will get back on it!

# by Boramor on 04/20/05 at 17:12:18

I can find no problem at all with the fond. Do remind yourself of the fact that you probably need 10.3. It is a font suitcase.

# by Boramor on 04/24/05 at 07:54:22

One thousand downloads already! Thanks all!

# by Anonymous on 05/01/05 at 03:49:48

orgasmic.. i mean this contact list style is AWESOME

# by on 05/04/05 at 02:32:01

Wow. This is amazing, now all we need is a Grass message theme... *nudge nudge, wink wink* Seriously though, this is really amazing. I love the background and the contact list fits perfectly with it.

# by GCK on 05/04/05 at 06:43:26

I like it very much, good job. 4 ducks.

# by Boramor on 05/04/05 at 08:35:07

I would love for someone to make a Grass Messageview.
I would love to make one myself, but I lack the skills.

Is there anyone who would be able to fix it?

# by on 05/04/05 at 19:23:22

We have the same background!

# by on 05/12/05 at 15:52:26

it looks great. but im sorry to say that the font is WAY to small!

i can barely read it and i have 20-20 vision !?!?!!

is there an easy way of making the font size bigger?

great desktop. loving it
(although reminds me of xp :o)

# by carla on 05/14/07 at 11:43:56

See my comment above about a different font--I'm using Didot at 14pt in this screenshot:

# by yoyoballz on 06/13/05 at 16:01:57

I love this. Thanx :)

# by CriscoDisco on 08/23/05 at 15:18:12

I had a REALLY similar wallpaper []

I wasn't willing to find a new wallpaper quite yet, but I wanted things to just... look better.


# by eddieroger on 11/09/05 at 11:37:37

Amazing. Thanks for including the background with the package.

# by adamti91 on 12/16/05 at 22:44:46

Nice! Looks even better at 50% opacity and the "Sand" font (12/10 pt), and the "chat bubbles" status icons///

a screenshot with these settings is here on my website:

# by sd.wahooo on 01/26/06 at 15:07:54

great desktop and great contact list!! would love to see a message style w/ this!

# by sd.wahooo on 01/26/06 at 15:11:32

how do you get the font to work? (silkscreen)

# by vron on 02/21/06 at 22:54:28

very nice with the desktop! good work!

# by forchilli on 04/19/06 at 16:46:24

im loving the wallpaper that comes with it to match :)

# by Advocate on 04/22/06 at 13:21:36

This is cool. good job!

# by dinesh on 05/25/06 at 04:26:16

awesome theme Boramor. I would like to the different groups are floating on the desktop in your screenshot? noob here.... :p

# by dinesh on 05/25/06 at 04:43:06

never mind...found it....thanks tho

# by mashby on 08/05/06 at 13:15:01

Fantastic work on this. I'm a new convert to Mac OS and after seeing the background and the contact list skin, I've switched my entire theme over to match with this. Great work, thank you!

# by sonic2211 on 09/18/06 at 22:25:50

i saw several other people ask for this also, but a grass message style would be awesome. :D

# by brendino on 02/11/07 at 20:58:30

Nice colors and font. Although the font didn't work on my computer, I found it was nice with about 80% transparency with the list layout Large (comes with Adium) only with the fonts changed to Optima.

# by Dafodyll on 02/27/07 at 03:57:21

I love the wallpaper but the contact list didn't work. This is what I wanted the most. Would somebody help me out please?

# by carla on 05/14/07 at 11:44:45

What exactly didn't work?

# by JeremyNK on 01/11/11 at 03:32:08

Love this theme, its so pretty and clean. Here is my variation (changed the background color to match my desktop)

Are you planning to make a matching dock icon?

# by Khanti on 05/19/13 at 12:56:57

PLEASE, make a message style xtra out of this. It would be very appreciated. Thank you for your work :)

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495.82kb (98727 downloads)

3.80 / 582 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 05/03/05
New Gems creator and spring.