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Submitted By Wengero


A contact list style based on the growl notification bubbles
for a more growl look switch opacity to 95%
comments are appreciated



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# by zaudragon on 04/16/05 at 22:55:09

the borders are way thicker... or at least to me

# by 61Tipo61 on 04/17/05 at 14:00:02

Great Style! Goes great with Growl!

# by sdh on 04/20/05 at 06:37:23

what is new in 0.2?

# by Wengero on 04/20/05 at 10:46:41

nothing to important, just some minors things that i noticed that i used it more(spacing was off a pixel, colour slightly changed, opacity) just things like that

# by spazzling21 on 04/25/08 at 14:33:32

I just wanted to say thanks!!! I was looking for something to go with Stars by Chimpytwm and this works great!!! (Best at opacity ~80%)

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2.57kb (2274 downloads)

3.00 / 59 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 04/19/05
Karl Adam and Timothy Hatcher for creating the original bubbles display type for growl