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Chappelle's Show Uncensored

Chappelle's Show Uncensored

Submitted By Alex (MetalHaze)


This is a hilarious sound set based on all the many characters from the Dave Chappelle Show. Fans of the series will love this sound set. However, the send and receive message events might get old pretty quick. But it's fun to use for a while.

This is my first sound set. Please send me suggestions to make this sound set better! I am always happy to hear some constructive criticism.

Thank you and enjoy!

*Note* Please be aware this sound set uses some language that some might deem offensive. You have been warned!*


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# by Aaron on 04/27/05 at 18:17:01

You didn't format it right, it's a pain for .8 users to set up and .77 users can't even do it.

# by Anonymous on 04/27/05 at 18:31:07

uh...this file only contains the .mp3 files...i guess we are supposed to make it a soundset on our own?

# by Anonymous on 04/27/05 at 18:47:08

yeah u forgot the .txt file...

# by MetalHaze on 04/28/05 at 01:38:16

Really sorry everyone! I will format this correctly so you do not have to manually install it. I am just trying to figure all this stuff out. Thanks for the comments and support!

# by MetalHaze on 04/28/05 at 01:57:39

I been looking all around this site and internet and do not know how to format it so all the sounds are in an Adium sound set file for use with the double click install. What resources do I need to format these sounds? I can't find any documentation on it.

# by MetalHaze on 04/28/05 at 03:36:48

I FIGURED IT ALL OUT! Sound set now formatted to Adium Sound set format and works properly. (As far as I know)

Sorry all 72 of you who downloaded it! Check out the revised edition!


# by on 04/28/05 at 13:34:26

installed but i dont hear a thing please help

# by Anonymous on 04/28/05 at 16:48:10

yeah now there are no sounds anymore...this is weird indeed

# by Moi on 04/28/05 at 17:03:26

Guys, you have to manually set the sounds to each event; basically, you make a custom set using these sounds...

Great set, by the way


# by MetalHaze on 04/28/05 at 18:44:54

Like I said I am new to this. Not to mention, I found a huge glitch where if you name the sound files the same name as the action they are assigned to IT DOES NOT WORK! What the hell is with that! So I have to go into the soundfile and give all the mp3's unique names and I tested it all out myself and it should be good to go now.

Thanks for everyone's help and support. and sorry to the 30 something new people that downloaded my messed up sound file.

You should not have to manually install it anymore. Just double click the adiumsoundset file.


# by on 04/29/05 at 20:16:34

you did great, now you you give us "I'm Rick James Bitch"

# by on 04/29/05 at 23:10:35

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Cocaine is one hell of a drug
.. man.. "Im Rick James Bitch" that would have been nice addition

# by MetalHaze on 04/30/05 at 04:05:13

No problem. I can work an "Im Rick James Bitch" phrase in there easy. I must agree that is one of my fav. quotes as well.

Thanks for the suggestion.

# by MetalHaze on 05/06/05 at 03:09:40

I added four new event sounds to my soundset. Two Rick James sounds and two Lil' John sounds.

"Contact returns from away" RickJamesBitch.mp3
"Contact returns from idle" RickJamesLaugh.mp3
"File transfer canceled by the other side" CellBreaking.mp3
"New email notification" CallingMe.mp3

To utilize these new events, you have to tell these events to activate sounds instead of messages and choose the sounds I made from the Chappelle soundset. If there is another way to alter the default preset I would it if someone would let me know.

Thanks and enjoy everyone!

# by on 06/17/05 at 17:40:32

This sound set KICKS ASS!!! I love it. easy to install and provides instant jou - THANK YOU!!!

# by fissure on 07/01/05 at 06:09:53

You could have just mirrored the formatting of a soundset that already exists...

# by on 07/03/05 at 13:36:36

this sh*it is hilarious - you're a mack - this sound set alone is a reason to use Adium

# by ashpoo on 07/12/05 at 15:03:31

It works well with my Adium. It's so funny and it would be cool to install more weird comments like "I'm Rick James Bitch." ^^

# by MetalHaze on 07/12/05 at 16:12:28

Ashpoo, i know you were all excited to download my soundset and everything, but do be aware that people asked me for that same exact sound byte earlier and I already added it to the soundset. I mentioned it in an earlier post and I told users how to use the new sounds that I had added. Here is the info again......

I added four new event sounds to my soundset. Two Rick James sounds and two Lil' John sounds. "Contact returns from away" RickJamesBitch.mp3 "Contact returns from idle" RickJamesLaugh.mp3 "File transfer canceled by the other side" CellBreaking.mp3 "New email notification" CallingMe.mp3 To utilize these new events, you have to tell these events to activate sounds instead of messages and choose the sounds I made from the Chappelle soundset. If there is another way to alter the default preset I would it if someone would let me know.

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447.96kb (14746 downloads)

3.00 / 295 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 05/06/05
Comedy Central and the Dave Chappelle Sound Board.