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Submitted By Ricardo Galbis (galbis)


Star Wars fans, what would the film be without a Jedi's lightsaber? The sound effects helped make the weapon a staple in the minds of many fans. Now you use the best sounding lightsaber IM package available for Adium! Includes Buddy Sign on/off, Newly Received IM, sent, and received IM sounds. More sounds to be added.

This set is PURELY lightsaber IM sounds, not an all-around Star Wars soundset.


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# by on 04/30/05 at 00:36:53

Wow, it's so cool. Too bad I use Windows.


I think I just killed all Maccers ;)

# by claidheamdanns on 11/07/05 at 10:46:18

You could buy a Mac. :-)


# by on 04/30/05 at 07:25:39

To use the sounds in Windows simply download the file, unzip, and its simply a folder where the sounds are stored. Plop the sounds into any IM application you use. If you re-distribute these sounds to the Windows market, please give credit where credit is due.

# by on 04/30/05 at 09:25:10


# by on 04/30/05 at 09:25:24

ilhan yilmaz

# by Moi on 04/30/05 at 19:09:37

Hey "Pal"... if you use windows, then why did you come to the website for a mac-only app, go to the xtras section, click on one individual extra, and THEN leave a comment?

Great set, btw

# by on 05/05/05 at 18:00:42

The .zip file is empty. Where are they?

# by claidheamdanns on 11/07/05 at 10:45:04

Nice set. Quiet and unobtrusive.

# by Spike90 on 01/02/06 at 22:41:38

ya^^^dude love it great job

# by enkuturi-akrias on 10/18/06 at 22:23:51

very good set! and to that “pal” guy: you have to buy a mac!, windows sucks!

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666.46kb (15484 downloads)

2.20 / 285 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/29/05
Lucasfilm LTD for samples, Galbis for modifications