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Orange Bird

Orange Bird

Submitted By Adam Gardner (oddfellow)


It's an orange bird. One of the icons available from the old AdiumXtras site, and one of my personal favorites. In fact, it was the logo (such as it was) of the old site.



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# by on 05/19/04 at 13:06:10

it is cute!

# by on 08/10/04 at 06:16:23

This is absolutely adorable
I need more of these adorable cuddly birdies. make more more. can i see a bigger version of em.

# by on 11/08/04 at 03:30:33

Wow! I have not seen this character in some time. I believe this is the Florida Orange Bird that was created by Disney for the citrus industry back in the 70's.

# by on 12/14/04 at 04:20:10

Eric, you are right. The Florida Orange Bird used to hang out in Adventureland. He was actually a walk-around character. But he is long gone from Disney, unfortunately.

# by on 12/15/04 at 02:26:34

I've actually still got that Disney/Forida LP book thing narrated by Anita Bryant...

I do miss the bird though...

# by on 01/24/05 at 04:17:10

The perfect antidote to the creepy squawk bird-type creature! (Is it a bird or some platypus-type freak of nature that looks like it's pleading, "Somebody kill me!"?)

Anyway the good Adam has redeemed himself. The bad adam has been vanquished. Keep your evil twin at bay.


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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/19/04
Adam Betts