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Stoopid |
Submitted By Todd Williamson (toddski) |
DescriptionThis is a simple script that says really stupid phrases-Add suggestions to comments for any of your stupid phrases. ChangesOkay, I have added the suggestions and some new ones. Check it out!CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by Anonymous on 05/18/05 at 09:30:47to use it just get rid of the compression (Stuffit should work) then move it to the scripts folder in
yourusername/Library/Application Support/Adium/Scripts # by someone on 06/10/05 at 01:31:18this is unnessary because i already say stupid stuff...this is just overkill..but i love your idea...and i downloaded it! :) :) :)
# by uhhh yeah on 06/10/05 at 10:08:52i have a good one "oh my god look at that turkey shaped bin mechanism
# by confuzzeled on 06/19/05 at 02:00:59how does one use this?
ive tried a bunch of possibilties none so far have worked.... help me (and a submison) "Begone, This is not for your brains" # by shockwavefx on 06/30/05 at 23:23:29I'm not really familiar with script how do i run it after i install in in my library?
# by Todd's brother Todd as in Toddski on 07/01/05 at 00:35:57u simply double click it and it will say sumthin and click ok then open adium and choose a person to freak out type /stoopid and it'll say silly stuff eg. you're a jokoli u say jokoli like "jock o lie" lie as in to tell a lie :) btw me n todd are aussie ;)
# by on 07/14/05 at 07:02:04this thing is the best i got a good one "my purple money fried it eating a banana (B A N A N A S)
# by neko on 04/27/06 at 22:53:03i got some good quotes for you.
"would you like iguana with that?" "warning: do not set fire to duck" "bread is too complicated" "i'm racist against orange juice cartons" "It'd be cool if clouds were muffins" "Fish want minty fresh breath too." "Salmonella has never been so delicious" # by alisondoyle on 02/04/09 at 10:47:11here are some submissions. Just love this script. Nice work!
Dont you be gettin up in my bid-ness! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Funky, funky! Biddy-biddy-Bop! I've got a bee in my bonnet. Less you, More Me! Bingo! Bango! Bongo! That sucks... That sucks balls. Have you seen popsicle pete? I don't like dogs. I can speak dog very well, but I don't like dogs. Hold on, I'm 357,961,473 licks into this tootsie pop. I don't want to lose count. BRB. Now, see, the thing about Boston is... London bridge is burning down, burning down, burning down. Give 'er the good 'ol one-two-buckle-my-shoe. Lah-ife is lah-ike a bocks of chock-o-lattes. Yah ne'er know wutcha gunnah gah-ette. supercalifragalisticexpialadocious. Elephant Shoe I'm not stoopid, you're stoopid, dummy. Hey, Macarena! Suck it Pig! Go To Jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 I'd lie to you, but not about that. Truthishly, America needs to see shell out the dough of that package simulator to solve the eggonopoly crisis. Cluck, cluck! Vrrrooooooooooooom! Vrooom, Vroom, Vrooooooooooooom! Ah, durka, durka, durka. Mohammed, mohammed, bakalava. BLAHS YADA YADA YADA FRAPPA LAPPA TITS! Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by toddski on 05/11/05 at 01:54:08