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Sith Duck

Sith Duck

Submitted By Bryan Barcroft (bryanbar)


A Duck That has turned to to Dark Side

Fixed Issue so it works now



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# by zaudragon on 07/09/05 at 19:08:03

Can you please post a preview of all states? I can’t see the sith-ness with the small thumnail.

# by ash on 07/16/05 at 04:30:01

very very cool!!! Nice Job!!

# by on 07/16/05 at 07:20:13

Is it just me or does this dock refuse to work? After installation I choose it in the setup but nothing changes

# by cptyesterday on 07/16/05 at 12:57:05

Yeah Itekei, I had the same problem with this

# by twistmac on 07/17/05 at 03:10:21

yeah doesn't work for me either

# by tab on 07/17/05 at 03:47:13

Same problem here :(

# by Anonymous on 07/18/05 at 19:53:44

Didn't work for me either.

# by lysistrata398 on 07/21/05 at 11:34:56

It should be fixed shortly.

# by popcornlass on 07/24/05 at 12:06:27

yay! sith duck!

# by Joe on 07/25/05 at 16:06:13

If you only knew the Power of the DUCKside.

# by on 07/26/05 at 16:24:13

Great set. Many thanks!

# by Joker on 08/02/05 at 11:10:27

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi Adium. At last we will have revenge.

# by AzrimEkim on 11/07/06 at 19:04:30

I've downloaded over 30 dock icons that I use from time to time, but in the end I always come back to this one, my absolute favorite. Great work.

# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:24:35

great job Love it.....

# by Darthmat on 05/03/09 at 20:48:00


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162.87kb (13276 downloads)

3.90 / 95 votes
Current Version: 1.5
Last Updated: 07/21/05