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Radio Call Sign

Radio Call Sign

Submitted By Ady Gould (KiltOtter)


Provides the typical radio call sign translation of one or more words. For example: MDX13 becomes Mike Delta Xray One Three.

To use: /radio{xxx} where xxx is the word / phrase to translate to Radio Call Sign.


OK - after a long time - I've corrected the words - added missing ones and donw all the things that should have been done.

Remember that USA / Australia / UK all have some variants on the words used, and this may account for a lot of the 'feedback'.

Spelling is based upon how words would be written in UK/AU.


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# by Anonymous on 07/15/05 at 13:18:16

;) cool

# by Anonymous on 07/15/05 at 13:47:08

can't get it to work.....maybe I'm just stupid

# by KiltOtter on 07/15/05 at 20:02:39

Added note on use after message dated 10:47AM on 15 Jul 05

# by hector on 07/21/05 at 06:52:40

above comment F*n hilarious (LOL)

# by wayneology on 10/21/05 at 17:09:04

There is no "V". V=Victor.

# by wayneology on 10/21/05 at 17:10:01

Also no "J". J=Juliet.

# by Tribe on 07/26/06 at 20:54:55

Actually several letters are wrong as well.....B=Bravo not Beta

Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Qubec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu

# by Jagron on 09/17/06 at 11:35:12

Alpha, Lemur, Quebec, not Alfa, Lima, Qubec.

# by Jagron on 09/17/06 at 11:37:42

My bad, it is Lima.

# by cynic on 10/28/06 at 04:01:33

V doesn't seem to work.

# by ccsgraphic on 04/01/07 at 20:03:01

According to Wikipedia, it's called the "NATO phonetic alphabet" or the "international radiotelephony spelling alphabet." I've edited my copy of the scripts with the missing letter/word combinations.

# by CodeFetch on 08/15/07 at 17:30:31

I think I won't need it... I'm faster in spelling than this little script...

Vy 73 de DO6VW

# by CodeFetch on 08/15/07 at 17:36:57

Oh oh... Not correct at all...

b=Bravo not Beta I have to know...
y=Yankee not Yankie

I hope you'll correct it...

Vy 73 and 99 *jokingly* de DO6VW

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 08/15/07