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iTunes Playlist Info

iTunes Playlist Info

Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


OK, so I know Adium iTunes Controller also has this, but I never used its code or anything… and Reikon points to this script if you don’t like /pinfo included in AiTC.

This was made for pyrojunky from the forums. But still, I had to make this ;)

Compared to AiTC, this is:
1. Smaller in size (of course).
2. Licensed in LGPL (youc an use it in other programs not under the GPL).
3. Faster (probably).
4. Automatically chooses between MB and GB (while AiTC only uses GB). Wait… no it seems, according to Reikon, it does ;)

Nothing else I think…

Use this script in this way:
%_itunesinfo{Playlist} -- Returns info for a playlist
%_ituneslibrary -- Returns info for your whole Library
%_itunesinfo{license} -- Displays a pretty “Licensed under…” dialog with button to view the whole license in TextEdit

  • Added checking whether iTunes is running.
  • Added checking if the playlist specified exists.



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# by Dylan1077 on 11/08/05 at 02:45:34

What message theme is that?

# by zaudragon on 03/15/06 at 01:33:58

Smooth Operator 2.0 Beta

# by Dylan1077 on 03/15/06 at 02:05:33

Oh neat, and where might I find this gem?

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3.10 / 35 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 07/25/05
pyrojunky for the idea, my previous scripts for the Info.plist file that I always forget how to make.