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Submitted By DrEthernet


For Family Guy fans.
"Victory is mine!"



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# by on 07/31/05 at 18:34:08

I really like the idea of this creation, but I love to see a version with nothing but stewie, and the talk bubbles for status events. Perhaps his head could even bobble for a new msg event.

# by on 08/03/05 at 18:16:17

yeah that would be very cool.

# by macfan26 on 08/04/05 at 03:46:20

Love the icon. For some reason on mine, it shows the Away icon when the app isn't open. Is this something weird with mine or is anyone else getting this?

# by sillyjanet1 on 09/11/05 at 22:11:38

I am on 10.4.2. I can not get stewie to work. It's on the selection list. When you look at it in preferences you can select it as a doc icon and the animation works when you go to show all. However it refuses to change to the stewie icon. Any ideas? The calvin one doesn't work much the same way. Two that did work had an info.plist file but I created that and check the iconinfo.plist file and nothing I did seem to get this icon to work. HELP

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Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 07/27/05