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YM7 Complete Set

YM7 Complete Set

Submitted By Dicky Wahyu Purnomo (massaint)


New Complete Emoticons of YM7
Higher resolution images than previous YM emoticons.

Enjoy it ;-)



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# by srossen on 08/30/05 at 21:57:39

On the phone and call me are reversed but other then that it rocks!

# by massaint on 09/03/05 at 11:14:29

Problem Fixed ;-) ! Sorry for the mistake ;))

# by theFalcon on 09/28/05 at 08:21:06

Your ;) doesn't wink. It looks just like :). Can you fix that?

# by theFalcon on 09/28/05 at 08:31:23

D'oh! Wrong pack. Sorry. :|

# by macwriter on 10/08/05 at 11:39:33

these are great!!! thanks guys/gals!!!!

# by mshake176 on 03/25/06 at 16:58:57

the loser one shows up with just l) instead of L-) so it shows up when it shouldn't

# by massaint on 03/26/06 at 00:19:40

hi mshake176, both are showing up the loser smiley, i made with both shortcut to ease the typing: l) and l-) same as :) and :-)

# by arkaycee on 02/03/07 at 15:24:35

I have to agree with mshake176 (just came out here to post the same thing)... anything ending with an "L" in parentheses -- like "(as usual)" makes the loser smiley, which is a bit hard to read past, and I don't end up using that one very much really so it doesn't make typing easier.

Is there some way to disable it (at least in my copy)?

# by arkaycee on 02/03/07 at 15:38:20

Oh, and answering my own question, I unzipped the .zip file, went into the directory, edited Emoticons.plist (a text file), and searched for "Loser". A few lines *above* the word "Loser" I deleted two lines under Equivalents for L)

Then I installed the pack and no more L) or l) as "Loser"!

Now I'm ecstatic with it!

# by arkaycee on 02/03/07 at 15:26:07

oops meant "I have to agree with massaint..." sorry.

# by mshake176 on 04/10/06 at 22:52:06

it's just when your talking to someone and they use parentheses it can show up when they didn't mean it to. it gets in the way sometimes.

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125.19kb (7563 downloads)

3.70 / 45 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 09/03/05