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Less Sharp

Less Sharp

Submitted By Nelson Elhage (Hanji)


The Sharp message style, but with consecutive messages handled more "normally," which is to say within the same box as the first message



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# by eevyl on 05/24/04 at 21:03:10

Cool :)

# by on 05/24/04 at 22:20:26

Wouldn't it make sense, for consistency sake, to have the time stamp with the message for the first incoming message, the same as consecutive messages? It just feels odd the way you have it.

# by Hanji on 05/29/04 at 21:36:09

Yeah, that probably does make sense - changed.
I'm not really happy with the vertical margins on stuff, but I've switched to Fiat, so I'm not going to try to deal with them right now :)

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19.29kb (1021 downloads)

3.00 / 120 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 05/29/04
eevyl (Jorge Salvador Caffarena) for the original Sharp message style. Hanji (Nelson Elhage) for this modification.