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Submitted By Peter Simonsson (pss)


Status icons in the shape of stars.



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# by zacw on 09/05/05 at 18:07:08

This is by far my favorite of the status icons I've seen! I'm definitely going to be using it in the future.

# by Lavo on 09/05/05 at 19:05:46

i love it...definitely 5 ducks

# by zaudragon on 09/05/05 at 19:25:07

It looks like Psi‘s :D

# by dcentity2000 on 09/05/05 at 19:47:51

Love 'em to bits!

# by Iiro on 09/05/05 at 23:08:41

Wow. Very nice looking :-D
Definitely going to my contact list

# by Erikaatje on 09/06/05 at 17:18:36

so sweet!!

# by air__devil on 09/08/05 at 20:28:20

Soooo cute! :)

# by penkwin on 01/22/06 at 21:54:29


# by ultraman on 02/01/06 at 17:27:28

I give it 5 stars :)

# by Disparity on 04/16/06 at 19:05:41

These are so sweet. Yup, 5 stars for this one! Yay!

# by Flea on 10/25/06 at 00:21:57

Can't use other theme after this one was released!
Great One!

# by Ali on 12/30/06 at 23:49:30

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Just awesome! :D

# by gunsmithx on 04/12/07 at 04:00:39

I love this, you really did a good job!
But this status icons are not compatible with case-sensitive file system, have to rename some files or modify the plist.

# by alecocco on 07/31/07 at 13:49:00


5 stars!

# by bamasaurus on 10/04/07 at 23:54:05

i like it ALOT, but the stars are really hard to see who's away and who's here. any way you could make an option for the stars to be green, yellow, red, etc? please?

# by flamingt0fu on 03/22/08 at 23:11:00

cute! :D

# by joffy on 02/24/09 at 11:35:19


# by ariyako on 07/22/09 at 20:02:27

anyone know how to enable picture on friendslist, so we can see friend picture? my friends just set him picture but i can't see only show "YM" status and this "Star"

# by jenny830602 on 06/05/11 at 11:48:46


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42.02kb (62511 downloads)

3.90 / 554 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/05/05