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PlainText Plugin

PlainText Plugin

Submitted By Yaw Anokwa (yanokwa)


PlainText Plugin emulates the "Show received message formatting" option that was removed from Adium. This plugin removes bold, italics and underline formatting from incoming messages. It does not touch colors, fonts or outgoing messages.


v1.2: Works with Adium 1.3.1
v1.1: Now a Universal Binary


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# by yanokwa on 09/09/05 at 13:20:01

Feel free to leave comments and/or vote. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

# by evands on 07/07/06 at 03:29:06

Would it be possible to also post the source? Others might find a straightforward external plugin illustrative.

# by mathuaerknedam on 07/07/06 at 12:14:36

Will this plugin still be needed in 1.0? I know I expect all incoming message font formatting to be stripped if I don't have "show incoming message fonts" selected. As I recall, the Devs disagreed, but I was hoping it might change. :)

# by yanokwa on 07/07/06 at 12:18:35

evands: I'll post the source (and possibly a howto) soon.

mathuaerknedam: Only fonts and colors are stripped in Adium 1.0. If you wish to remove bold, italics and underline, then you need this plugin.

# by yanokwa on 07/08/06 at 19:46:09

# by yanokwa on 02/08/07 at 17:31:37

Link has been restored. I haven't looked at this code in a long time so I can't make any guarantees. If you find bugs or make it better, please contact me so I can update it. Thanks!

# by yanokwa on 06/02/07 at 14:02:11

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/04/07 at 23:19:42

this is very good! i ever wanted to remove the underline, because that obstruyed my emoticons, but whit this all is better!

# by Calenulma on 09/04/08 at 21:58:21

Any updates on this for AdiumX 1.3?

# by yanokwa on 09/05/08 at 00:37:08

swamped with work at the moment, but i'll update for 1.3 in a few weeks.

# by Calenulma on 09/05/08 at 15:14:54

That's good enough for me. Thanks!

# by ect0 on 09/09/08 at 17:21:54

I second the interest in an update, I dont like having the incoming text altered even if i set the font.. yuck adium!

please and thanks.
(i imagine theres a setting within the program that allows me to fix this, but i haven't seen it)

# by yanokwa on 09/11/08 at 22:06:32

hello all, i just updated the plugin. i haven't had a chance to full test, so let me know if it doesn't work.

# by visualize27 on 09/15/08 at 13:08:15

Does not quite work with all my MSN contacts. Only one who uses bold text now has plain text. I tried another contact that I know uses bold text and with this contact it did nothing. I think both contacts are using Live Messenger for Windows.

# by yanokwa on 11/03/08 at 07:22:24

hey all. i've posted the source code to git hub.

# by olafmarzocchi on 01/16/09 at 22:57:19

The source tree seems empty! could you please post it again?

# by yanokwa on 01/16/09 at 23:23:38

i reuploaded the source. try now

# by dschingesarra on 03/06/09 at 21:05:58

i'm new to this, coming from pidgeon and have to ask:
where/how can i activate/deactivate this plugin?
i had a look, but didnt find any setting inside adium.
please help.

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6.14kb (11801 downloads)

4.20 / 286 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 09/11/08
by Yaw Anokwa