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Submitted By gethen


Even less decoration than textonly. No time stamps. No link color. No icons. White background, black text, grey status. Arial, but follows GUI. Only shows other person's name, since you already know your own. Try with "Blank" status icons.

Finally you can convert your minimalist crank of a friend to Adium.



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# by mathuaerknedam on 09/08/05 at 10:47:34

Most minimalist? Nah, Tül still holds that title. Tül is so minimalist, it doesn't even give you linefeeds! :)

# by gethen on 11/30/05 at 03:07:49

Tül may keep the title, with my blessing.

I actually made this theme upon request from a friend who complained bitterly about the lack of "good IM clients" for Mac. By creating this and "blank" (status icon theme, or rather lack of theme), I convinced him that Adium did in fact fit his needs quite perfectly. I put it up here with the thought that there might be another person out there like him (and in fact a number of friends, former and current linux geeks with new mac minis, mostly, have come to use and love it, so that worked out).

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/30/05 at 11:28:39

I'm always happy to see more minimalist messagestyles, and more people using a Mac (here I see converts to PowerBooks...). The more the merrier!

# by Omey on 09/08/05 at 21:25:32

This theme would be perfect if I could hover over messages and get time stamp info!

# by gethen on 11/30/05 at 03:02:30

hmm. let me look into that. i've been considering making variants of this theme (all very minimal, but in slightly different ways) based on some feedback i've gotten from friends who use this style.

# by Omey on 12/02/05 at 03:48:54

Tül does this.

# by josef on 03/06/06 at 23:54:10

Hi! I love this style, it's great. I had two questions though... First, would it be possible to edit something so that your own nick shows up instead of it just being >> ? And second, would it be possible to make the links not create a horizontal scroll when they're too long for the window? Not a big problem, but just a tad annoying..

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3.50 / 19 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/07/05
based on textonly style by Mark Fickett. modified for a friend by Cheridy Jollie