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AIM Status Icons

AIM Status Icons

Submitted By Eric Richie (edr1084)


This is a variation on the PC-AIM style by Mike Barca with a few of my own changes.

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for how I could make it better.


-fixed a small vertical spacing issue on 'Away'
-filesize cut in half by removing some extra junk

In progress:
-add an icon for 'blocked'



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# by candice on 09/10/05 at 21:23:35

These look good! On AIM though, for mobile users, they use a cell phone as the icon, which I think would be cool if you could implement.

# by edr1084 on 09/11/05 at 18:35:28

ask and ye shall recieve

# by MBHockey on 01/18/06 at 20:28:08

Looks Great...much easier than that old method.

I forgot i even submitted those as an Xtra...

Good work!

# by FordPrefect on 01/19/06 at 00:58:13

Nice Work! ok, noob question, where'd that xtras manager come from!?

# by edr1084 on 01/19/06 at 01:22:11

sorry for the teaser, the Xtras Manager won't be out until the release of 1.0, but it's a great feature so you can have something to look forward to

# by FordPrefect on 01/19/06 at 01:28:59

Oh great, here I am fiddling around with everything on adium, thinking, I know this program pretty well and how did a great feature like this slip by me, expecially with all the xtras I have on here... Hehehe, well thanks for the teaser.

# by jms1223 on 02/15/06 at 23:12:05

It looks like the spacing is a pixel off comparing the icon of the away message note and the mobile icon...this can be seen by setting the status icons to the left of the contact names...good job otherwise!

# by jms1223 on 02/16/06 at 01:39:49

same for the typing icon and the new message icon

# by edr1084 on 02/26/06 at 14:28:06

alright, thanks for the input, I'll take a look at fixing that now that I have some free time again to play with things

# by edr1084 on 07/01/06 at 13:48:13

wow... I guess I lied about having time to fix some of those issues... I promise I really will work on fixing that stuff soon... (hopefully this week)

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