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Fragen über die man nicht nachdenken sollte

Fragen über die man nicht nachdenken sollte

Submitted By Jomatotu



This Skript is just for people which come from german/swiss/austria or which can speak German or for people which chat with people from germans/swiss/austria.

If you enter /denk in the text field and hit return a random question you better shouldn't think about will be sent to the person you chat with.

(The same in german)

Wenn man /denk in die Antwortzeile eingibt wird eine zufällig generierte Frage über die man besser nicht nachdenkt an die Person geschickt mit der man gerade chattet.

Input/Eingabe : /denk
Output/Ausgabe: [ a question you better shouldn't think about/ eine Frage über die man besser nicht nachdenkt]

For Example/Zum Beispiel:
- Was passiert, wenn man sich 2 Mal halb tot gelacht hat?
-Wenn man in einem Fluggerät sitzen würde, das mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit fliegt, was würde passieren, wenn man die Scheinwerfer einschaltet?
-Warum ist Abkürzung so ein langes Wort?

Viel Spaß/have fun

(maybe one who has a better english can make the same with english questions)

Questions are in alphabetical order
added more questions
correctet mistakes

(Thanks to Jonas for doing all this)


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# by Jing_Ta on 10/20/05 at 11:27:24

Hi, my name's Ben, i'm a native english speaker. I'm working on translating your script to english. I'm re-titleing it "Unthinkable questions," which i think was the idea of teh german title. There are a few i don't understand, and i might need you to re-word or explain some of them later. should be done soon.

# by Jomatotu on 10/20/05 at 11:37:47

Ok No Problem...if you are a naive speaker it would be easier if we could communicate in German. ;)

Some of them can't be transltated because it has a sense which is a german phrase or something like this. If you have question just send me an mail ;)

But Thank you....

# by Impulse29 on 10/20/05 at 20:47:53

Great script. However, some of them include phrases that don't make sense in english. For example, translating "Was passiert, wenn man sich 2 Mal half tot gelacht hat? would be "What happens when one laughs oneself half to death twice?".


# by Jing_Ta on 10/29/05 at 00:28:08

i actually liked that one. it;s like the one about the salesman who boasts that his vacuum claner will cut your household work in half, and the lady says, great i'll take two of them.

# by google636 on 02/21/06 at 21:36:15

If you buy two (or laugh yourself half to death twice), you get 3/4 death or housework. That's because after the first vacuum / death, you only have half a house / life to take away a half from :)

# by Jomatotu on 10/21/05 at 09:39:36

Yeah right...

but there will be an english Version too in a few days. Ben made it. It was really funny to explain him what a schlumpf is (a smurf) :D

# by Jing_Ta on 10/29/05 at 00:21:46

ok, the english version is called "unthinkable questions" and is pending....
it includes a few (three) of my own lines, such as "did adam and eve have belly buttons?"

and, uh, you are welcome for the entertainment, tobias.... schlumpf my eye... ;)

# by Jomatotu on 10/31/05 at 09:55:17

Take this script and put it in...yours got a wrong plist

# by Jomatotu on 10/30/05 at 09:33:06

This is great thanx a lot for the work :D

# by fb_ on 03/02/06 at 06:02:25

cool stuff, the german & english one as well :)

# by fb_ on 03/02/06 at 06:03:41

english download didnt work... ahah i was dreaming :/ any1 got the new link?

# by fb_ on 03/02/06 at 06:28:07

mhh the one with the krematorium is a bit harsh...
'Bekommen Brandopfer Vergünstigungen in Krematorien?'

# by Jomatotu on 03/02/06 at 17:40:35

Oh you're right. I'm sorry 'bout that. I went through it and removed the bad ones. Maybe i didn't saw this one

# by xSpikex on 04/20/06 at 17:32:39

Haha... lol... das ist gut... gefällt mir =)

# by RAPMANkev on 07/15/06 at 20:50:21

Wouldn't it be smarter to call it
Questions you should better not thing about ?

(I am 13 and from Austria, don't wonder if i talk sh..)


# by IlyaSmirnov on 09/14/09 at 10:49:32

Ja, ich stimme mit dir, das wirklich wäre besser sein, aber dann es klingt nicht so gut.... (Ich komme aus Russland aber wohne jetzt in die Vereinigte Staaten, und habe Deutsch in der Schule gelernt)... Vielleicht "Questions not to ponder"? "Unthinkable questions" ist okay, aber mir gefällt das deutsches Script mehr :)

Tobias: total wunderbar, gefällt mir sehr!! Danke!

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Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 03/17/07
Jonas Weber