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tahci menu icon

tahci menu icon

Submitted By Brian Latimer (bdlatimer)


The "iChat-in-reverse" menu icon, representing all states of your chat status.

For various reasons, I need to run Adium in addition to iChat. I wanted a replacement set of menu icons which would "fit" with other system menu items, but still allow me to distinguish Adium from iChat easily. Merely reversing the orientation of the standard iChat versions seemed to be a clean approach.

Note: These are blatant ripoffs of Szilard's excellent "iChat Menu Icon" set, merely flipped horizontally.


Version 1.1:
  • Updated to new ".AdiumMenuBarIcons" format for compatibility with Adium 1.1
  • Includes icons for "Away" and "Idle" states
  • Two menu bar icon sets included: One transparent, one with an opaque white background



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# by krs10b on 04/05/06 at 02:44:39

excellent idea. thanks.

# by mudface on 08/02/07 at 14:07:08

Where did this one go?

# by bdlatimer on 08/15/07 at 13:50:19

As with most other menu bar icon modifications, it was disabled because of the lack of official support for such hacks. But, as of Adium 1.1, and the new built-in support for custom menu bar icon packs, I've updated and re-released this in the new format.

Thanks for the interest. Feedback on the new modifications (support for more states, updated for transparency, etc.) is always welcome.

# by Xjs on 11/09/07 at 19:38:10

Like that somehow.

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33.74kb (11271 downloads)

2.70 / 146 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 08/15/07
- Apple, for the design
- Josh Crang (Szilard), for the original icons