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Submitted By minus0


Color Theme:
Simple. Dark, with a very subtle stain in either red, green or blue.

Also included an accompanying List Layout (in large and small formats)

enjoy :)



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# by R031E5 on 10/31/05 at 20:46:18

AWESOME :D!!! Great job!!!

# by lazlow on 11/01/05 at 15:29:26

What status icons are those?! They're awesome!

# by minus0 on 11/01/05 at 15:32:23

just the standard gems ;)

# by lazlow on 11/06/05 at 23:05:21

Status icons, whoops i mean the little lightbulb things

# by minus0 on 11/07/05 at 03:27:16

just the standard aqua service icons pack too...

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1.53kb (1061 downloads)

3.30 / 11 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 10/25/05