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Favicons as Emoticons

Favicons as Emoticons

Submitted By computerdude33


A few favicons to be used as emoticons. I'm hoping to add more in the future; please email if you have a few more sites you'd like added. (yes, I should have added Adium, slight oversight)



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# by Daveecee on 10/30/05 at 23:58:58

Erm, so... How is this useful on Adium?

# by Brutal on 10/31/05 at 11:44:37

Hmm.. I don't get it.

# by Jing_Ta on 10/31/05 at 13:01:00

i'm assuming to use as toolbar icons...

Right click on adium and go- show package contents

Click on contents, then resources

Inside resources there will be 3 files, adium.png, adiumOffline.png, and adiumRed.png you will be replacing these files.

Go into the folder that you downloaded and choose the images you want to replace. Rename these images that you are going to put into adium with whichever name is needed. ie: if you want the imperial symbol to show in the status bar when you have unread messages change the name form imperial.png to adiumRed.png and drag it into theresources folder. Click replace. You will probably want to make a back of the original .png if you ever want to revert.

(h.t. artinge3

# by computerdude33 on 10/31/05 at 22:26:51

Um, they're smilies designed to make conversations shorter.

# by Brutal on 11/02/05 at 12:09:20


# by computerdude33 on 11/02/05 at 12:22:57

Also, a +/-: they only work with capitalized words. So, Blogger would bring up the blogger symbol, while blogger wouldn't.

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2.80 / 29 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/29/05
Everyone who made the icons, the creator of the Fark favicons (for giving me this idea) Apps used: Pixen, Smultron