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Clock Crew BBS Emoticon Pack

Clock Crew BBS Emoticon Pack

Submitted By 62bda02 - (62bda02)


These are the emoticons from the Clock Crew BBS, situated at scenic

The Clock Crew is (much more than) an Internet community of Flash animators. Movies produced by members of the Clock Crew often involve other members of the Clock Crew, represented as an object with a clock-face.

For example: let's say your favorite household cleaning product is Windex. You might join the Clock Crew as WindexClock, and be represented by a bottle of Windex with a clock-face on it.

That should explain the vast majority of these emotes.

Eh, so maybe these are targeted to kind of a small group. But hey, you might like 'em anyway!

Note There are some typos here and there with regard to input and emoticon names. These are intentional, and are representative of how somebody originally typed them in, heh.



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# by loki_clock on 03/04/07 at 12:14:49

I rated five. I wish I had my old Mac, still, so I could finish that theme I was working on... In the mean time, we could compare personal window layouts. :o

# by loki_clock on 03/21/07 at 22:11:56


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38.6kb (568 downloads)

3.80 / 21 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/13/05
LeekClock, MasquattoClock and others for making the original GIF images.

VCRClock (me) for making the Adium emoticon set.