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Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator |
Submitted By iDarryl |
DescriptionSpecial thanks to the good folks from www.4q.cc/chuck! I've created a Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator, now with all of the facts from the site. Thanks to BklynKid for compiling all of the facts, sure isn't something that I would have done myself...WARNING: Some users will find these offensive. Other users will find these EXTREMELY offensive. -Chuck Norris puts the laughter in manslaughter. -Chuck Norris set out to make a truly mean salsa. His success is the reason you were bullied in high school" -One day Chuck Norris looked in the mirror and said "No one outstares Chuck!" He is still there to this day To launch, type /chuck ChangesVersion 2.1 Upgrade. Now with all of the facts!!!CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by iDarryl on 12/07/05 at 03:28:05yup... /chuck... if you like it, rate it. for some reason my self-esteem seems to be directly correlated to the number of people who have publicly stated that they enjoyed this script...
# by iDarryl on 02/23/06 at 20:51:16i would suppose that many people have downloaded it... i'm sorry i don't have a better answer, i'm really shocked myself since i created it about 3 months ago...
oh yeah... /chuck # by iDarryl on 02/23/06 at 20:57:30if anyone wants to see more facts added, (those with some time on their hands) go to 4q.cc/chuck and copy them (being sure to substitute ' for ") and i'll gladly update this. as you can well imagine though, it's somewhat time consuming and i haven't really had the time lately to change it.
if someone could find a way for me to collect a penny from each person who downloaded this script, i'd appreciate that too! jjk (sortof...) /chuck # by kaytodaizzik on 09/09/07 at 01:35:04Hey, if you're still interested in updating this with more facts, I can provide you with a list of all of them as of 9/5/2007
# by bungie101 on 03/09/06 at 22:57:03Ok what do i have to do.........i typed /chuck and nothing happens, and yes i did download th file.
# by roaststudios on 03/12/06 at 13:46:40hmm... what to do if you get a message saying the current MSN-name is too long every other minute...
# by tamashii on 04/13/06 at 16:41:49"…now with about 130 jokes"
Surely, you mean "facts" and not jokes. 5 out of 5 people. Or Chuck will flap his arms in China and cause an earthquake in your living room! # by ispytonyv on 06/07/06 at 23:09:37this has been downloaded over 30 times as much as the next most popular extra? how's that possible?!
# by iDarryl on 06/07/06 at 23:17:04How dare you question the power of "The Chuck"?!?!?!?!?!
Chuck does what Chuck wants to do. If Chuck wants to kick the #$^@ out of the other xtras, then that's what He does. (Sorry to the other xtras, while I actually enjoy your scripts immensely, Chuck is forcing me to write this - who am I to go against Chuck...) # by iDarryl on 06/15/06 at 00:54:40I don't know what kind of life you live, but there's no way that I have time to orchestrate anything of that magnitude - you're... a bit... of... a dink...
# by Bigmark on 06/29/06 at 05:18:50i would love to see something like this for Arnold Schwarzenegger- all the good quotes from his films.
# by Bigmark on 06/29/06 at 16:58:33Darryl- do i need to be pretty proficient at AppleScript to do this? I would be really keen to do this myself, but don't know the first thing about what I need to do- could you point me in the right direction? Thanks
# by iDarryl on 06/29/06 at 17:35:44OK, I remember how to now... believe me, you DON'T need to be good at this stuff at all...
open your home folder (not the HD), Library, Application Support, Adium (if you can't see it here, go back and find the proper home folder), Scripts, make a copy of chuck.adiumscripts, then Ctrl+Click one of them, Show Package Contents, Contents, then open info.plist with the Text Editor, change everything in there that refers to chuck to arnie or however you want to do it... save that file. Open resources, then double-click chuck.scpt. Easy from there, just change all of the text, not the script stuff. Save that file as whatever.scpt Ta-da! you've just created your own script upload it and, who knows, maybe you'll get 1.64 million downloads - I might be a bit choked if you do... # by Bigmark on 06/29/06 at 19:31:17Excellent. Thanks, Darryl. I'm already all the way through, i just have to gather up some Arnie quotes :) I will have a think about uploading it, may email you a copy first.
# by neoz on 12/11/06 at 21:08:59I've used your code and put the Chuck facts in brazilian portuguese! Hope thats ok!
# by ThreeDee912 on 05/11/07 at 22:35:29I really don't know why this xtra has over 1600000 downloads, but whatever...
/chuck # by D_Money on 06/14/07 at 21:50:49does it work with display names?
# by iDarryl on 06/15/07 at 00:34:50That sounds like an awesome idea! If only someone could do that... Seriously, I'm not sure I would know how to do that and I'm sure someone else could do it a lot quicker. If anyone wants to do it you could either send me the changes to the script, tell me specifically what to do, or make your own, new script.
# by MasterOfDesaster on 09/07/07 at 11:55:34# by ThreeDee912 on 09/13/07 at 00:05:37Was linked from a comment in Digg, not sure how many people clicked it:
http://digg.com/linux_unix/Chuck_Norr...31#c9067731 And: /chuck # by BklynKid on 04/01/08 at 02:21:54Made my own modification to the script. Added every single fact from ChuckNorrisFacts.com. Didn't change anything else. Feel free to be skeptical and look through the file before using.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/1kn9uh Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by m2e on 11/22/05 at 18:16:16