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Light Sabers small

Light Sabers small

Submitted By Glenn B. (GeckoMan)


Light saber status icons, in small sized, for those that don't like big and chunky!

also includes a leia adium duck for incoming messages, and the opening title look from the star wars series....

appologies for the tgz files, but my zipped files don't download as zip files (shrugs)

please note the supplied sample image shown here is from the larger set




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# by Walrus on 12/06/05 at 10:48:01

Not bad. I think another icon for incoming messages would be better. An animated saber would be cool, or just crossed sabers of a different color (Say, Blue and Orange).

# by tedger on 12/06/05 at 13:22:23

If you made a saber only set it would be great. The current images for new message and offline are too big and should be the same width as the normal ones. I'd use it but the huge new message image covers up contacts names in their tabs.

# by dcentity2000 on 12/06/05 at 14:00:19

Not bad. Not bad at all.

# by GeckoMan on 12/07/05 at 01:27:18

huge huh tedger, you must have your contact list really really small, i thought it was allright, but i guess i just like big and chunky too much =D, the larger set take up even more space, still I'll go along with walrus' idea and try do an animated lightsaber, look out for the light saber only set!

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16.04kb (1848 downloads)

2.90 / 8 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 12/03/05