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Submitted By jussi edlund (jussi)


Balloon status icons. Combine with the dock icons and menu icons for maximum effect. Now if I could only use these in the menubar too...



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# by Akurin on 12/28/05 at 16:58:19

lol. im not up to date with the current Chat lingo, what's DND mean?

# by 61Tipo61 on 12/28/05 at 18:58:49

Do Not Disturb ;)

# by teh_chin on 12/28/05 at 19:27:56

Very nice, using them right now. Any chance of a Mobile icon?

# by frostkrig on 12/28/05 at 23:40:38

I like these icons, but I think they'd look better if they were scaled down a little. They kind of crowd the text & icons next to them in the contact list and message window. Good job, though.

# by yayo on 12/29/05 at 05:35:11

I like these, but they're a bit too big for my liking.

# by TheoW593 on 12/30/05 at 16:18:12

l'd use it if there wasa Mobile icon.

# by chocobear89 on 02/21/07 at 16:34:03

what does "Free for chat" mean?

# by zyxpink on 03/05/07 at 22:26:16

i like em!!

# by om3ga on 08/17/08 at 19:59:17

really great icons (except DND - can't see what this should be)!

they would be even better, if you could make the white transparent, so that they can be used on every surface ... keep up the good work!

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/27/05