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New and Improved Family Guy

New and Improved Family Guy

Submitted By TJ Welke Adam Lubin (bones1986)


A short, unobtrusive sound set with Family Guy quotes.

Contact Sign On - Cleveland, "That's nice."
Contact Sign Off - Stewie, "Does not compute."
Message Received - Quagmire, "Giggity."
Message Received Initial - Brian, "O' for God's sake."
Message Sent - Peter's Laugh
You Connect - Family Guy theme fade in
You Sign Off - Family Guy theme fade out



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by frankiefrank25 on 06/11/06 at 20:04:55

OMG sooooooooooo great! best 1 i no!
GO FAMILY GUY!!!!!!!!!!! GO FAMILY GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FAMILY GUY!!!!!!!!!

# by Fruzion on 04/19/07 at 23:10:32


# by amberlyomg on 12/15/07 at 13:36:10

iv just downloaded these
now how the hell do i add it to my windows live
please help

# by ramcosca on 05/19/08 at 04:38:46

Add it to Windows Live? Boy, you're in the wrong website...

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1.61mb (25201 downloads)

3.40 / 127 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/17/06
Sound set made by Thomas Welke and Adam Lubin,
Family Guy is copyright of 20th Century Fox