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iTunes 5

iTunes 5

Submitted By Ian Pond (iPond317)


This contact liste theme is mirrored after the Source list in iTunes 5.x and up. I've included the iTunes status icons in the latest version to properly match the Source list. This is my first submitted theme, so I hope everyone enjoys it!

The iBubble status icons were created by Iiro Jäppinen.
iTunes status icons set created by John Meche.


Version 1.1
Update: added the iTunes status icons to the package

Version 1.0
Initial release



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# by zaudragon on 02/05/06 at 17:30:14

Hah… just create a status icon set with:
Music Store or Purchased as Available
Library as Idle
Folder as Unknown
Smart Playlist as Away
Radio or Podcasts as New Message
Party Shuffle, Radio, or Podcasts as Typing

# by TheoW593 on 02/05/06 at 21:31:58

Podcasts should be new message, Radio for Mobile... an't think of any other suitable things at the moment.

# by zaudragon on 02/06/06 at 02:05:42

Well, I guess I could make it *goes to make it*

# by ascarinthesky510 on 02/08/06 at 01:25:36

Looks nice and clean.

# by Dylan1077 on 02/08/06 at 19:57:55

You should put the iTunes status icons on the contact list in the preview.

# by iPond317 on 02/09/06 at 16:01:08

The list theme has been updated and now contains the iTunes status icons. Thanks John for taking the time to create those!

# by Kipnugget on 04/22/06 at 10:57:02

Great theme. But there's no bar on top of the window like the iTunes control bar...
(*hint* that would fit nicely in a messenger style *hint* ;)

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4.00 / 36 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 02/09/06
Iiro Jäppinen - iBubble status icons (initial release)
John Meche - iTunes status icons