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Clint Dock Icon

Clint Dock Icon

Submitted By Joseph Sylvester (thej0ey)


This is a dock icon that will be appreciated by anybody that goes to know this guy. I apologize for the size of this icon, it was necessary to keep good quality. Just look at how he appears to dance when he gets a message. Just like real life.


I changed the standard awake face because the old one didn't look very good. Now he just picks his nose. Also I changed up the dancing just slightly. Let me know what you think about this one compared to the old one.



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# by michael on 02/23/06 at 15:02:48


# by kjdenison on 02/24/06 at 00:45:49

this is the best icon i have seen yet

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2.52mb (178 downloads)

3.10 / 41 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 02/27/06
Credit goes to Adam Zapletal for coming up with the idea and Desiree Dies for taking the pictures.