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Submitted By Michele Bugliaro Goggia (michelebugliaro)


Soft lines. Stylish look. MiniFutura is dedicated to the Futura font, designed in 1927, by Paul Renner. I wanted a contact list that was small, with stylish contact name fonts. Also, I wanted to see the status in spite of the list size. After some trials, I've come up with this!

Technically speaking, I've played with font colours in relationship with bubble icons: online contacts are in blue, away contacts in red, idle contacts in orange. I've set opacity to 84%. Looks a lot more decent now. I suggest using the Group Bubbles window style.

Mac OSX includes one version of Futura ("Futura.dfont"), but you may use a PostScript or OpenType version if you like.


March 11 , 2006-Third version
Trashed the background image, changed group colours, more spacing, darker status colour. Sorry for the horrible past versions.

March 4, 2006-Second version.
Smaller window and fonts, new light background, green groups background.

February 25, 2006-First version.



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# by dcentity2000 on 03/12/06 at 17:11:05

Very nice :)

# by michelebugliaro on 03/12/06 at 17:46:12

Thanks, dcently2000!

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2.30 / 23 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 03/11/06
Paul Renner for having designed such a wonderful font.