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Random (Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T) Fact Generator

Random (Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T) Fact Generator

Submitted By Alex Jenko (ajenko)


You've seen them before: random (ludicrous, offensive, and hilarious) "facts" about everyone's favorite celebrities from Now, just type %_vin, %_chuck, %_mrt, and %_all to get a random fact about Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T, or any of them.

Oddly enough, and without seeing iDarryl's post, I made a script that parsed the Vin Diesel fact page around the beginning of this semester. While I was troubleshooting it this spring break, I expanded it to parse all the fact pages on the site--Mr. T, Chuck Norris, and any of them. You now have access to over 10,000 "facts" at your fingertips.

And remember:

Lucifer didn't fall. Vin Diesel pushed him.

Chuck Norris can cut through molecules, making him a living atom bomb.

Mr. T always drives on the right side of the road, no matter where he is in the world.


4/23/06: Fixed the script to reflect changes in the website structure and remove a space before the fact.


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# by kirk on 03/25/06 at 18:29:06

Nice! You should throw in a few Jack Bauer quotes.

# by xiamcitizen on 03/26/06 at 18:15:58

But take out the links. It's really annoying. I had to edit them out myself.

# by ajenko on 03/26/06 at 19:47:36

Yeah, the links can get fairly annoying, but said I had to add them in to post the Xtra. I was afraid that if as many people downloaded this Xtra as iDarryl's Chuck Norris generator, the script would put a ton of traffic on their site (enough to really bog the servers down), and adding the link was our agreement.

# by xiamcitizen on 03/26/06 at 21:21:58

what a bunch of losers :-p
i just edited out the tags in applescript

# by jego on 04/26/06 at 03:31:51

the script is 4.34kb big.....

# by xiamcitizen on 04/26/06 at 12:10:42

congrats, you can read

# by zaudragon on 05/08/06 at 01:44:17

4.34KB isn’t large at all…

# by redjag on 01/07/08 at 23:05:59

The script is pulling down a random quote off their website when you run it. 1451 downloads, each of which are making an HTTP request each time this script gets run which could be as often as every minute or so if it's in an away message or other status. It's not a lot for one individual but it adds up for each user.

# by ajenko on 05/08/06 at 01:48:02

Do you want it to be bigger? I'm works and it's small, so is there anything else I should do to it?

# by jego on 05/08/06 at 06:53:25

ajenko said: the script would put a ton of traffic on their site (enough to really bog the servers down), and adding the link was our agreement.

so I said thats its small

# by manieves on 11/29/06 at 22:19:51

I can't get this script to work. I put it in my away message but no facts appear but when I check the message there are no facts. Any thoughts? Thanks.

# by manieves on 11/29/06 at 22:21:20

Sorry, that post was confusing. Similar "fact" scripts work but I can't this one to work. Thanks.

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4.34kb (2528 downloads)

4.10 / 20 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 04/23/06
Credits:, for hosting these facts and letting me post this Xtra