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Submitted By John Kelly (thejokell)


Aqua-based contact list style, submitted during the discussion of a new default look for Adium. Contains a Color Theme and a List Layout.

Works well with the iBubble Status Icons and my own Candyball Status Icons.


1.2 - Added a background color to contacts that sign on and off. Contacts coming online fade green and contacts signing off fade grey. Removed the archived 1.0svn files as they were unnecessary.

1.1 - Updated to add a version made with Adium .89, which should fix the issues some people were having. I have also included the version made with 1.0svn, shockingly in the folder called "1.0svn."

Update 4.6 - Archived the 1.0svn files so when the "install" link is used it only installs two files instead of attempting to install four.

1.0 - Initial Release



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# by The_Tick on 03/27/06 at 22:17:33

This style roxors mr Jokell

# by thejokell on 03/27/06 at 22:22:24


# by Conlan on 03/28/06 at 03:15:43

I'm having problems unzipping this. All I get are folders with .plists in them.

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 09:52:22

Have you tried downloading again? I just checked the download and everything seems fine over here.

# by dcentity2000 on 03/28/06 at 07:59:21


# by Radar on 03/28/06 at 08:13:35

The install-function doesn't work. How can I manually install this theme when I download it (in which folder must I place the files)?

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 09:51:49

After you download the zip file, extract it and you should end up with a folder with two files inside - Aqualicious.ListLayout and Aqualicious.ListTheme. Simply double click on both of those and they will install automatically.

# by Radar on 03/28/06 at 09:56:01

The two files seems to be folder, which opens when I click on it, see a screenshot here:

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 10:05:16

Those shouldn't folders, but that may depend on the version of Adium you're using. I'm using the 1.0svn, so the file types may not have been included with .89 and below, I'm not sure.

In any case, to install them simply place those folders into ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Contact List/

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 10:05:40

Shouldn't *be* folders, duh.

# by Radar on 03/28/06 at 10:13:57

I've placed the folders into the library-folder, but it still doesn't work. I'm using Adium X 0.89 so maybe it will not work in this version. Where can I get the 1.0svn version you called?

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 12:11:33

I'll create a version with .89 which will hopefully solve the problem. It'll be up as soon as I can get back to my Mac.

And 1.0svn has to be compiled from the source - basic instructions are in the development section of

# by darmot7 on 03/28/06 at 18:33:50

using SVN, cant get it to work :/

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 18:36:55

Can you be more specific? At what point does it fail to work?

# by darmot7 on 03/28/06 at 19:40:05

at the point where i try to tell it to select aqua... as the style, it dosnt change over to the style, it remains the previous style i was using.

# by thejokell on 03/28/06 at 21:29:09

Have you triend the "Download" link instead of the install link? If not, try that and use the files inside the "1.0svn" folder.

# by darmot7 on 03/28/06 at 22:16:02

yes, i have tried that.. to no avail.. strange ... no worries

# by djmori on 03/28/06 at 23:33:27

there's something wrong with list layouts in 1.0svn... I'll try it out when they fix that.

# by pattersonzum on 03/30/06 at 15:48:49

How du you get your picture on the top of your contact list window??

# by molten on 03/30/06 at 23:17:51

Hey guys, i have a question, how can i put my display picture in the main contact list as in the sample pic, y have the traditional one only with the tool bar.

# by thejokell on 03/31/06 at 03:55:47

That is a feature in the upcoming version of Adium. A beta *should* be out within the next month or two.

# by maclover23 on 04/10/06 at 04:38:16

Thankyou. I was wondering about that.

# by gummerdesign on 07/29/06 at 08:35:22

hi i was wondering how you managed to make your contact list look like ichat so that you can see your icon and your screen name? i have been wanting this for ages but i cant see how to do it?

# by highlyjhi on 08/03/06 at 11:14:45

Gummer, read the comment above yours. I believe that will answer your question.

# by thejokell on 08/03/06 at 11:46:32

To make your buddy list look like mine, you'll have to be running the 1.0 beta (which you can find out how to get on the forums).

Also, Aqualicious is now the default buddy list layout in 1.0, so you wont even need to install this anymore.

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1.56kb (14074 downloads)

3.90 / 79 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 05/23/06