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Submitted By JetsWare


This script displays a random Einstein quote, from several dozen quotes. Since quotes are compiled from Google results, I cannot verify their authenticity. All quotes are in English. This script is used with the %_eq function in a message, or from the Insert Script menu.


Initial release


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# by silentdark on 04/11/06 at 02:03:15

Are they in german or english?

# by JetsWare on 04/11/06 at 08:05:58

They are all in English.

# by silentdark on 04/11/06 at 17:37:23


# by Spookster on 04/11/06 at 10:30:59

how do you activate it?

# by JetsWare on 04/11/06 at 10:58:21

Activate it? You double click the file to install, or click the "Install" link on this page. Then to use the script, either go to the Edit>Insert Script> EinsteinQuotes item, or do %_eq in a message

# by Spookster on 04/11/06 at 11:00:17


# by Spookster on 04/11/06 at 19:24:02

... was what i wanted to know, i never use the insert menus

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13.49kb (1719 downloads)

3.80 / 5 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/10/06
Compiled by JetsWare and Google....

Based on the Shakespearean Insult script by Niels Heidenreich