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Submitted By Guillermo Castaneda (gce517)


Clean message style based on my favorite styles (Essic, Plastic, and Colloquy
- whose authors deserve all the credit) and using Mark Fickett's "A (sort of)
Quick Introduction to making your own .AdiumMessageStyle," which can be found here.

- Buddy icon toggles to three sizes and no-icon header view.
- 36 variants with more to come!
- Buddy name and link hover color matches header background color.
- Time in 24-hour format (with seconds).



Version History:

2006-04-18 v1.3a
- Message text is now justified.
- Added a space to the left of the time-stamp, giving a little more breathing room to the first line of each message.
- Added a space between follow-up messages for plain variants.
- Added variants to allow users to have the follow-up messages with bullets or divider lines for a total of 36 variants.

2006-04-17 v1.3
- Changed Default Font/Size to Verdana/12 - all fonts should scale adequately
- Made display font size dependent on default font size (adjustable via preferences)
- Re-flowed CSS code to my liking :-P
- Header icon border color now matches "Conversation started at..." font color
- Header background scales with buddy icon size toggle
- Link hover color matches Buddy name color
- Added Brown color variant
- Added background colors to each color variant

2006-04-15 v1.2 (Not published)
- Increased font display size for readability in hi-resolution displays

2006-04-14 v1.1
- Corrected 24-hour time format to include seconds.
- Five color variants (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red)
- Made buddy name color to match header background color.

2006-04-14 v1.0
- Buddy icon toggles to three sizes (edit Header.html to change default size)
- Blue header style only


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by jarod on 04/15/06 at 15:50:44

One of the nicest message styles I've seen. Excellent work! the only thing I can see is if you can make the time size one notch bigger. On 1920x1200 and higher its pretty hard to see.

# by gce517 on 04/15/06 at 18:06:48

Thanks Jarod! I never thought about using such a huge resolution (I use an iBook at 1204x768). I'll work on it ;-)

# by gce517 on 04/15/06 at 18:34:02

Oops...1024x768 :-P

# by sopu on 04/16/06 at 14:20:06

That is really nice!! Thanks! :)

# by xlax999999 on 04/17/06 at 15:52:06

this is a beautiful message style, the brown on brown is simple and classy

# by xlax999999 on 04/17/06 at 15:59:22

one suggestion, add some sort of bullet point that differentiates the line break upon sending the message and the one that occurs when you type something longer than one line, it can get a tad confusing.

# by gce517 on 04/17/06 at 17:14:09

Thanks for pointing this out. And yes, I was aware of the potential for confusion there (especially for narrow chat windows). I think I can fix this pretty quickly.

For what it's worth, I was looking at three options when putting this together: 1. Hang indent the time stamp on the left, 2. Place a line on the bottom of each follow-up message, or 3. Put an extra 3-4 pixels spacing at the bottom of each follow-up message.

Option 3 is my idea of a quick fix that would not break the main design. Of course, I could make variants to accommodate the other two options.

# by xlax999999 on 04/17/06 at 21:24:57

I am glad you are thinking of that as well. For what it is worth, I think option three is the most seemless and as you said it keeps with the simplicity. A line at the bottom would be an interesting implementation though. Another idea would be to slightly indent or have a visual cue such as a bullet or some other unicode symbol on the first line of every message, if that is possible. (I like Unicode F847)

# by gce517 on 04/18/06 at 14:14:16

Ok, the update is up!

# by xlax999999 on 04/19/06 at 00:18:46

very nice, thanks!

# by cventocilla on 04/20/06 at 08:58:27

Wow!!! What a great job!! you are a genious!!

# by gce517 on 04/20/06 at 14:23:36

Thank you :-) I can't take all the credit, though. Other great styles inspired me to make this for myself and to share with the rest. I'm glad you enjoy them!

# by cventocilla on 04/20/06 at 17:19:04

So you are a modest guy.. you know what? that absolutely turns me on!!!

# by gce517 on 04/20/06 at 20:19:01

wow...this is an interesting fan-base :-P

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Current Version: 1.3a
Last Updated: 04/17/06
Special thanks to Jarod for testing this style on his Hi-res screen