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Submitted By Jesper (wootest)


A very simple, self-titled message style.

Designed especially to produce sensible, coherent content when copying and pasting (while I love Smooth Operator, for example, providing two different timestamp formats for the sake of aesthetics doesn't do it for me).

It looks a lot less styled than most other message styles here, and it's intentional. I haven't found a good clean alternative like this, so I made one. I think it looks good, but in a different way. I personally like how it looks a bit like bog standard gAIM/AIM/Trillian output.

Feel free to suggest new variants - like the current one, Red vs Green - in the comments.


Release 2: Fixes formatting for some 'context' (old conversations) messages. I use a very current Subversion build that has difficulties showing context messages, so I didn't catch this myself.
Release 1: Initial release. Variants: Red vs Green.



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# by evands on 04/28/06 at 20:00:14

Sharp and simple.

# by Niles on 04/28/06 at 20:11:08

Very nice simple and effective.

# by wootest on 04/29/06 at 03:31:51


# by Iiro on 04/29/06 at 09:35:31

Very cool. Thanks :-)

# by FordPrefect on 04/30/06 at 21:25:09


# by dchoby98 on 05/01/06 at 18:05:12

Very nice looking, but message history is messed up on my system (Adium 0.89.1, 10.4.6, PowerBook G4). Mainly, the outgoing messages have the user icon, timestamp, and text on different lines, making each message take up a huge amount of space.

# by wootest on 05/02/06 at 10:20:11

Fixed in Release 2.

# by Iiro on 05/02/06 at 10:45:43

This is really great! I love the simplicity. Using it now. :-)


# by Iiro on 05/04/06 at 13:48:26

I would like to make a request for Blue&Green variant, and maybe one without the timestamp.
Or even better, when you hover over the name and user icon, then it shows the timestamp. :-P

# by wootest on 05/04/06 at 14:58:18

Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll look into it.

# by Shark!! on 08/24/06 at 10:42:36


# by tasmanian_devil on 05/12/07 at 13:27:51

:-) I like it a LOT. its sharp, cute, and very straight to the point. I am using it now and another thing i like is that it wont sprawl across all of your screen so i love it 5 ducks.

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16.17kb (2444 downloads)

3.50 / 22 votes
Current Version: 2
Last Updated: 05/01/06
Testing: waferbaby, Jesse Endahl, Colin Barrett