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Submitted By drewreporting


This soundset was compiled from a collection of royalty-free sound clips that I have had lying aroud for around half a decade. They're orchestral in nature; most every sound has been produced by a conbination of woodwinds and strings. I have a rather large collection of these sound snippets, so post whatever requests you may have.



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# by Scottish on 05/05/06 at 12:51:01

Delicious :)

# by tamashii on 05/05/06 at 16:58:59

This is a very thorough set. Well done.

I am not sure what event I would use the Drama1 or Drama2 sounds for (perhaps logging on/off), but it is excellent to have them as an option.

How long before we get a purple cello dock icon?

# by zaudragon on 05/06/06 at 03:14:43

That’s not cello, it’s a violin!

But any purple string instrument looks cool. Wait, harps might not…

# by da_baum on 05/06/06 at 22:55:09

Yeah, tis a violin. And a purple harp would be cool!

These are nice, but...I play trombone, so just wondering if ya have any brass sound clips.

# by xlax999999 on 05/09/06 at 14:28:16

this is an incredible sound set. Thank you.

# by csquared on 05/12/06 at 03:04:34

FYI, not all of the sounds in this set are exclusively string instruments; the sounds "Off", "On", and "First" are woodwinds. Just being nitpicky.

Nice set.

# by 61Tipo61 on 05/12/06 at 14:32:09


What says they are all string instruments? Woodwinds are in symphony orchestras ;)

# by drewreporting on 05/15/06 at 19:46:13

Oh wow, seems like this set's gotten a warm response!

I'll probably add some more sounds after this semester's finally over (if I make it :^ )

@ tamashii: I intended the drama sounds to be used as kitschy/somewhat funny error sounds (well, at least *I* think they're funny) ... but you can use them however you want

@ csquared: Thanks for the information; I seriously would never have guessed that those were woodwinds; I changed the description appropriately

# by drewreporting on 05/15/06 at 19:50:41

Well, it bastardized my smilie: I typed in a slanty face for the :^ , but it still looks like that

Weird, eh?

# by Dradis on 05/23/06 at 17:02:12

Awesome. thanks man.

# by sjson on 08/07/06 at 10:15:42

This is my favorite!!! Great job!!

# by Daffy on 02/06/07 at 23:05:22

Stupendous :-) Five ducks!

# by FuNnYLilAuThoR91 on 06/16/07 at 17:18:56

This sound set is GREAT. I have it up right now. Great job on this.


# by ether on 02/17/10 at 04:38:26

Love it!!

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4.12mb (16928 downloads)

3.60 / 161 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/02/06
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