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BDog's Now Playing

BDog's Now Playing

Submitted By John Bailey (bdog111)


Based on Now Playing in Adium v1.0
by Adam Nolley
Based on Now Playing in iChat AV v1.8.1
by Doug Adams

What I added/changed;
1. Adds album.
2. Instead of displaying "unknown artist/track/album", doesn't display anything (stays clean, no extra spaces).
3. If no music is playing, it will display either "Paused: [track info]", "Music Stopped" or "iTunes Not Open".
4. No "Beamed 8th Notes". You can just add these next to the "%_bdog" trigger in your status message in whatever format you want.

Displays current iTunes info in the format "Track | Artist | Album". It will only take you a minute if you want to change the pipes to something else inside the script.

You can change the following properties:
no_itunes : "iTunes Not Open"
music_stopped : "Music Stopped"
music_paused_prefix : "Paused: "
separator : " | "

I did not integrate "alb" into "Truncate". Maybe someone else wants to? ;-)

Important: If you have problems, don't contact Adam or Doug! Leave a comment here for me.

BDog's Idle Time


1.2 Added "separator", "music_paused_prefix", "music_stopped" and "no_itunes" properties.
1.2 Replaced "No Music Playing" with "Paused: [track info]", "Music Stopped", and "iTunes Not Open".
1.2 Added "alb" to "initialization".

1.1 Added an "Only Playing" variation (per this comment). This version removes everything when there is no music playing. The trigger is "%_op-bdog".



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by PMac on 05/14/06 at 14:09:04

Thanks for allowing me to test this script .. it gets my vote
?The Endless Enigma (Part 2) | Emerson, Lake & Palmer | Trilogy??

# by mickeylin on 05/31/06 at 05:59:01


# by snarfer on 09/06/06 at 18:38:03

It wins. I make it approved.

# by mon7eiro on 01/18/11 at 22:36:26

hey! great script, thanks =)
just one question... can i modify it to display only "Track | Artist"??
How do I do it? =S
Thanks in advance!!

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28.59kb (2833 downloads)

4.10 / 28 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 09/04/06
John Bailey
Adam Nolley
Doug Adams